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Summary of Other Articles and News - 08/10/2002

August 14, 2002 |  


Focus on Hong Kong

Falun Gong practitioners in Taiwan sent a letter to the Hong Kong Bar Association to call for their support for justice. Hong Kong and Taiwan have always had very close ties among professional groups. Currently, a few people in the Hong Kong Police, in order to obtain political favor, have intentionally fabricated charges against Falun Gong practitioners, accusing them of "blocking the streets" and "attacking police." This actually amounts to an ugly encore performance of the autocratic rule in China, which is inherently ridiculous. We strongly feel that Hong Kong is changing for the worse, and heading on a course toward anti-humanitarianism and the subjugation of human rights.

Overseas News

A marine algae expert, Stefan Draisma, from Leiden University in Netherlands, has discovered that most of the currently assumed relationships between the orders of brown marine algae species are incorrect, and should almost be completely reversed. In most cases, he discovered that the simpler species actually occurred later than the more complex species, or the reverse of evolutionism. Actually, such seemingly contradictory classifications among species are no longer rare. The multitude of recent discoveries of such conflicts has led many scientists to doubt the validity of the generally accepted theory of evolution. A phylogenetic tree is a branching species diagram, representing a hierarchy of categories based on degree of similarity or number of shared characteristics. These charts are usually derived from comparing the differences in amino acid sequences between different species. The results obtained using different methods, however, are often obscure, and usually remain unpublished because only the results that agree with the researchers' individual presuppositions are reported.