(Clearwisdom.net) A Dragon Boat Festival is held in August of every year in the state of Colorado. On the festival day, a dragon boat race is held in a lake north of Denver. It is an excellent opportunity for Dafa practitioners in Colorado to spread Dafa and clarify the truth to the local people.

This year's Dragon Boat Festival was held on August 19, 2002. Some practitioners arrived at the park as early as 6:30 a.m. to make preparations for the Fa-spreading activity. At around 10:00 a.m., it was announced that over 30 teams would participate in the contest. Many people came to the park to see the race. Our Falun Dafa booth was not very eye-catching, but our peaceful exercise demonstration attracted many visitors who were passing by.
Under the scorching sun, the practitioners handed out Dafa flyers to visitors and clarified the truth about the persecution of Dafa practitioners in China. Every now and then laughter and applause could be heard from the visitors watching the dragon boat race far away. However, the practitioners were not moved but concentrated on spreading the Fa, as they understood the importance of their historic responsibilities. Through everyone's effort, all the flyers that we brought there were distributed, and many residents of Colorado came to know the truth of Falun Gong.