(Clearwisdom.net) The fourth UK Falun Dafa Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference concluded successfully on August 25, 2002 in Edinburgh, the historically famous city in Scotland. Other than UK Dafa practitioners, practitioners from Ireland, Hong Kong and other countries also attended the conference.

The atmosphere of the Fa Conference was solemn and sacred. Over ten practitioners gave speeches. Practitioners had an extensive and in-depth exchange concerning righteous thoughts and righteous actions in Fa-rectification cultivation and the overall improvement in the process of Fa-rectification.
UK practitioners who had been to Russia shared their experiences on how to use righteous thoughts to deal with interference from evil. Several practitioners who have been peacefully protesting around the clock in front of the Chinese Embassy in London for over 70 days talked about their understanding of sending forth righteous thoughts at the fixed hour in front of the Chinese Embassy.
Two practitioners from Hong Kong told of their personal experiences of how Jiang's regime attempted to use the wrongful accusation case of "obstructing the sidewalk" to extend its persecution to Hong Kong, how Dafa practitioners involved in the case understand the Hong Kong incident from the perspective of Fa-rectification, and how they strengthen their righteous thoughts and eliminate the evil elements in other dimensions.
Ireland practitioner Zhao Ming talked about how he used righteous thoughts to break through the interference and arrangements of the old forces when he went through processes to get a visa to Canada. Through the practitioners' speeches, attending Dafa practitioners gained a deeper understanding of keeping up with the process of Fa-rectification and using righteous thoughts as well as looking at problems occurring in the process of Fa-rectification from the overall situation of Dafa.
The success of the Fa conference enabled UK Dafa practitioners to make a stride forward as a whole in the process of Fa-rectification.