To the Practitioners of Falun Dafa:
I extend to you greetings as you assemble in our nation's Capital on July 23rd to call for an end to the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China and for a peaceful celebration of the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance. I also join you in remembering those who have suffered persecution for espousing the principles of Falun Gong in a climate where human rights are not treasured. It is tragic that the fundamental right of freedom of spiritual belief is still brutally, systematically repressed in this new millennium.
I have for forty-five years, as a lawyer and elected official, been involved in the struggle for civil rights. This fight has transcended racial, ethnic, economic, religious, and political party lines. It is in that spirit that I applaud your efforts to bring about understanding and acceptance of Falun Gong.
Remain steadfast in your commitment to improve the body, mind, and spirit of millions of people worldwide through special exercises and meditation. May this be a peaceful day that will long be remembered.
Henry L. Marsh, III