(Clearwisdom.net) Falun Dafa Day, Celebrating Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance was held in the city of Hervey Bay, Queensland, Australia, on 12 July 2002. Practitioners set up an eye-catching display and presentation in the popular Urangan Shopping Center for all to view. We erected a lovely white gazebo on which was hung a series of photographs from the "Journey of Falun Dafa" photo exhibition, displaying the story of Falun Dafa.
The day commenced with a warm welcoming speech, and a presentation of Falun Dafa's five beautiful exercises. Hervey Bay's State MP, Andrew McNamara, and local Councillor Sid Boshammer honoured us with their presence, showing their support for Falun Dafa in their local community. They joined us for the welcoming ceremony and stayed to watch all the exercises. Many shoppers also paused to watch our presentation with interest.
A lovely thank you letter of support has since been received from Andrew McNamara MP (see below).
One practitioner demonstrated Chinese calligraphy for the public while another gave lessons on how to make paper lotus flowers. Many parents enthusiastically received pamphlets while their children happily carried away origami lotus flowers and their names in Chinese calligraphy.
A local radio station was very supportive and offered to continuously announce our Falun Dafa Day as well as the Falun Dafa activities, which followed through the weekend. The response by the people in Hervey Bay was very positive, and we were graciously given permission to stay a further two hours to spread the Fa and clarify the truth to everyone wanting to know more about us. One lady commented that she could stay all day long at our presentation as she could feel such a beautiful energy field around us! Practitioners were delighted that so many Hervey Bay residents were able to be touched by Dafa and position their hearts in such a positive way.
Letter from State Member of Parliament for Hervey Bay, Australia [July 17, 2002]

Category: Other Community Events