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Summary of Other Articles and News - 01/04/2003

January 07, 2003 |  


Open Forum

Human cloning is against human ethics and morality. A human being not only has a human body, but also has a spirit, a mind, morality and principles for behavior. Cloning takes human beings simply as "matter," making people the object of technology, and is likely to mass copy humans. It is also not acceptable to cure diseases by creating a life with basically the same genes of the patient through cloning, and to perform organ transplanting from the cloned life. To create a life and then destroy it is against moral principles. The technology used for cloning also gives people concern. Many women who use the cloning technology to have babies will have to take the risk of miscarriage in later stage of pregnancy, the death or deformity of baby. From this perspective human cloning is a crime.

Truth of the Persecution

Zhou Hui, a handicapped Falun Gong practitioner from Beijing, was kidnapped by the Public Security Bureau during National Day of 2001. She kept righteous thoughts and protested by hunger strike. The evil forces tortured her in various ways. They did not allow her mother to take her home until she only had one last breath left. Zhou Hui continued to practice and recovered very fast. Around the 16th Party Congress she was kidnapped again and was detained at the detention center of Chaoyang branch office. We appeal to the kindhearted people in China and overseas to extend your help to rescue Zhou Hui from prison.

The heads of the Headquarter of Daqing Petroleum Bureau Goods and Equipment Company attempt to hold long-term and continuous brainwashing classes, with 3 months for each phase. The work unit of Falun Gong practitioners would send people over as supervisors and hand in 3,000 Yuan. Those who do not give up after 3 months will be sent for second phase classes, with each handing in 3,000 Yuan again. Those who refused to go to classes will be forcefully sent to the brainwashing base for 6 months. The work unit will hand in 5,000 Yuan. Those who do not give up after 6 months will continue to take more classes, and once again handing in 5,000 Yuan.

News and Activities Around the World

Radio Free Asia reported on January 3, 2003:

Ten non-government organizations including the Association of Hong Kong People in America and the China Forum of the University of California at Berkeley recently held a seminar on "Attention to Article 23 of the Basic Law in Hong Kong" in San Francisco. Article 23 of the Basic Law states 7 "crimes" against national security. Once the article of anti-subversion is established as a law, freedom of speech in Hong Kong will suffer from a hardship that Hong Kong has never encountered during the long colonial period. Articles such as "sedition" and "stealing state secrets" grant the government terrifying power, that is, to prosecute any speech or action the central government or the SAR Government are not happy about. As for the organizations in Hong Kong that have relationship with Mainland China or the International community, if the government thinks the organization is likely to conduct "sedition" or "overthrowing the central government", the head of the public security bureau will have the power to eradicate them. With such a terrifying law, where are human rights?

World Journal reported on January 3, 2003:

The China Hong Kong Commercial Bureau, an international commercial association which owns four Main Commercial Associations in Hong Kong, the bank industry association, and the tobacco industry association, published an announcement on January 2nd warning that if the SAR government establishes the current "Suggested Article 23 of the Basic Law" the result would be hard to imagine. It would be enough to damage Hong Kong as the top international commercial center. The association urges the SAR government to reexamine the law establishment procedure and provide another consultation document including a White Bill.