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Russia: Experiences during the Fourth Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference in Moscow

October 12, 2003 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) From September the 26th to the 28th, hundreds of Dafa practitioners from America, Asia and Europe arrived in the Russian capital of Moscow to attend the fourth Russian Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference. The following are some of the practitioners' experiences during this conference.

Passing through customs with righteous thoughts

On September the 26th, practitioners from different countries arrived in Moscow. In the afternoon, fourteen practitioners from Taiwan arrived at Moscow International Airport. But when going through the customs, they were asked to pay a fine by custom officials. The officials insisted that the Dafa materials for the conference were not personal goods and practitioners had to pay a fine for the materials. Some other Taiwanese practitioners who had already passed through customs met with Russian practitioners. They emphasized that the materials were for the conference only, not for commercial purposes, and were distributed for free. Practitioners also stated that the belongings of each practitioner were within the accepted weight. However, the customs officials insisted that the practitioners should pay a fine. Some practitioners discussed the issue with the officials, while most of them sent forth righteous thoughts. Later, a head of a department came and agreed to let practitioners go through customs. The decision was corrected. Dafa practitioners are always law-abiding citizens and are good people. What they do is the best and most righteous. This was an unjustified penalty; it was not just a matter of a few hundred pounds. Practitioners' righteous thoughts enabled them to pass through customs.

Three art exhibitions

Outside the experience sharing conference, three art exhibitions were on display: "Photo Exhibition of the Journey of Fa-rectification", "Zhang Cuiying's Painting Exhibition" and the "Ukrainian Practitioners' Photo Exhibition". The "Photo Exhibition of the Journey of Fa-rectification" contained almost fifty photos, while "Zhang Cuiying's Painting Exhibition" included over 20 paintings with Russian captions. The "Ukrainian Practitioners' Photo Exhibition" consisted of over ten photos taken by Ukrainian practitioners together with poetry and songs about Falun Dafa. One Ukrainian practitioner displayed a painting entitled "Three Goddesses of Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance". On the display table was a VCD that contained information about Dafa and the persecution in China, along with newspapers, which were all free for people to take. Soon, people were signing a petition to express their opposition to the persecution of Falun Gong.

Wonderful performances

On the evening of September the 26th, practitioners performed for people at the Moscow Aviation Institute. Performances were culturally diverse, from Russia, Ukraine and China, but they blended together naturally, bringing enthusiastic applause from the audience. They included the elegant traditional Chinese "Fan Dance" and "Lotus Dance", piano recitals and a graceful ballet. There were also singing and musical performances. All of the performances focused on a theme: "Falun Dafa is good" and "Truthfulness-Compassion and Forbearance is good". The atmosphere was serious and solemn. The dance performances were so good that the audience forgot that the practitioners were not professional performers and that many of them were actually mothers, and even grandmothers. The beautiful scenes and touching melodies helped to connect the performers with the audience. Many people in the audience felt that they had witnessed a first-rate performance. After the performance came to an end, they stayed behind to chat with the practitioners.

What distinguished Dafa practitioners' performances from those of non-practitioners were their sincere smiles, their confidence, and their compassion, all of which formed a powerful energy field. The Fa conference shows that Russian practitioners are advancing further in their cultivation. Falun Dafa is already deeply rooted in the Russian peoples' hearts and nothing can affect this.

Source: http://clearharmony.net/articles/200310/15543.html