(Clearwisdom.net October 22) On October 18, 2003, Falun Gong practitioners in St. Louis, Missouri drove two hours to arrive in a small city in Louisiana to participate in the annual "Colorfest" Festival Parade.

The weather was especially fine and pleasant with warm autumn sunshine and blue sky. People living in this beautiful tourist city were so happy that they seemed to have known that they would learn about Dafa.
With the company of benevolent and beautiful Dafa music "Pu Du," the floral float on which practitioners demonstrated the exercises and practitioners' fan dancing passed through the market where there was a dense spectator. Pure and simple people in this small city and tourists gave warm applause. Many people acclaimed, "What a beautiful music, I like it!" "Movements are so beautiful!" "Wonderful, Falun Gong!" Some people imitated us doing the exercises on the spot. People asked for Dafa news briefings and flyers. Practitioners in charge of taking photos were so busy handing out materials that they could not have time taking photos. People standing farther away from our procession watched us earnestly.
After the parade, the sponsor announced the list of award winners. Falun Gong practitioners won two second prizes for "The Most Beautiful Float" and "Best Procession." We were also invited to perform the five sets of the exercises on the stage, and introduce to the audience about the widespread of Falun Dafa and the persecution in China.
The practitioners were quite pleased. The people in the small city honored Dafa, and also chose a beautiful future for themselves.