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Words from the Heart

October 28, 2003 |  


A Falun Dafa practitioner met Mr. Zhuang, a gentleman approximately 50-years-old, in a detention center in Weifang, Shandong Province in 2002. This is how Mr. Zhuang came to be in the detention center: He was having an argument with a Party branch secretary, and the secretary then used his power to call in a carload of police officers, attempting to force Mr. Zhuang to pay a large sum of money as a "fine." Mr. Zhuang refused and the police abducted his granddaughter who was only a few years old, and then asked him to pay a large ransom. Mr. Zhuang tried to stop the police car with a farm tool and broke the windshield. The police took him away, and they colluded with the court to sentence him to a two-year prison term; on top of that, they extorted several thousand Yuan [Chinese currency, the yearly income for an average farmer in China is about 2000 Yuan] from his family.

Mr. Zhuang met several Dafa practitioners in the detention center. These practitioners were government officials before being jailed for practicing Dafa. Their behavior always demonstrated the teachings of Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance, and they were always considerate of others. He was deeply moved to see the practitioners' unyielding faith in Dafa and the characteristics of benevolence and forbearance they displayed while facing torture and even death. He did his best to help them; he often gave practitioners some food when he received some. Other prisoners were all amazed at his behavior, since he always seemed so frugal otherwise, but was very generous towards practitioners.

Once, Mr. Zhuang told a practitioner; "All of you are good people; those police are the real bad people." When he was about to leave the detention center, practitioners told him to remember, "Falun Dafa is good." He was deeply moved, and kept nodding his head.