Enquiry to the Foreign Minister from Eric Dlard, a member of the French Parliament.
Eric Dlard.
Deputy of Bouches du Rhone.
Mayor of Sausset-les-Pin.
Eric Dlard would like to draw the attention of the Foreign Minister to the Chinese government's persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. Falun Gong is a cultivation practise based upon truthfulness, compassion and forbearance, combining meditation and physical exercises to purify the human body. However, this traditional practice, which is deeply rooted in China is regarded as a provocative political movement and an evil religion. Since 1999, the Chinese government has begun a systematic suppression of Falun Gong believers. Nearly 71 million people are under persecution (subject to arrest, detention, torture, re-education through labour, forced into psychiatric clinics and death). As a consequence of this, Eric Dlard demands to know from the Minister, what diplomatic policy our government will adopt to end this severe human rights abuse.
Paris, 15th September 2003.

Source: http://clearharmony.net/articles/200310/15897.html