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A Judge Has A Change of Heart

November 20, 2003 |  


A judge from a court in Beijing went sightseeing in the US this year and happened to come across a Dafa experience-sharing conference. Due to the influence of the vicious propaganda by the Chinese government, he had a negative impression of Falun Gong. He thought he would like to find out what Falun Gong is really doing and, with this idea in mind, he managed to enter the site of the experience-sharing conference. To his surprise, however, our Teacher came to teach the Fa at the conference. Later he said: "I initially went there with negative opinions. But, when I listened to Li Hongzhi's lecture, I totally forgot everything else. I never knew before that Li Hongzhi was such a good person." From then on, he completely changed his attitude about Falun Gong. Recently the judge has transferred to economics court, where he doesn't have to be involved in any persecution of Falun Gong.


A farmer and his son went looking for work. They happened to be offered jobs at the same place where some other Dafa practitioners were working. One practitioner went to tell them the truth about Dafa. Upon hearing this, the farmer said: "My daughter-in-law is a Falun Gong practitioner too. So many people in our village practice Falun Gong because everyone experiences so many benefits from practicing it.