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Falun Dafa Practitioners' Solemn Declarations

November 20, 2003 |  


Solemn Declaration

I obtained the Fa and started cultivation in 1997. My illnesses were all cured and my bad temper also improved. My colleagues, friends and relatives said: "Falun Gong is really good."

After July 20, 1999 when the persecution of Dafa started and Teacher was slandered, I stepped forward to safeguard Dafa and clarify the truth to the world. However, since I did not cultivate and practice diligently, I did not have a deep understanding of the Fa. I behaved like an ordinary person and could not eliminate my attachments. From 1999 to 2001, while imprisoned in a labor camp, due to the attachment of fear I lost direction and enlightened along an evil path. As a result I was brainwashed. I wrote the humiliating "guarantee letter", "three statements", "five understandings and exposition or repentance materials". Thanks to Teacher's great compassion, I was given one chance after another. Also thanks to my fellow practitioners' enthusiastic help, care and encouragement, I found the courage to pick up Dafa books, identified the root of my mistakes, and came back to Dafa. Although I knew that Dafa was good, I did not closely follow the requirements of Dafa and did not get rid of my attachments. Even as I stepped forward physically to validate Dafa, in my heart I was taking the standpoint of an ordinary person. During tribulations, I lost my sense of direction, and the evil made use of my loopholes. Secondly, I did not understand the relationship between individual cultivation and Fa-rectification cultivation, and I accepted enlightenment along an evil path, and thus helped the dictator to commit crimes.

From now on, I completely deny everything that I have done while I was being persecuted by the old forces. To this end, I solemnly declare as null and void everything I have said and written under pressure since the persecution started on July 20, 1999, including the so-called "guarantee letter", "three statements", "five understandings", "exposition and repentance letter" etc. I will return to Dafa, following Teacher's Fa-rectification process closely, and eliminating the evil factors in other dimensions with righteous thoughts. I will re-join the path of Fa-rectification, and shoulder the responsibilities of a genuine Dafa practitioner. I will redouble my efforts to try to compensate for all the losses I have brought to Dafa.

He Tao

June 24, 2003

Translated on November 12, 2003 from


Solemn Declaration

I obtained Dafa in January 1997. Before obtaining the Fa, I had many physical illnesses. After obtaining Dafa, by reading the Fa and doing the exercises, all my illnesses were cured and my Xinxing improved. In the morning on May 14, 2003, seven or eight policemen arrested me and brought me to brainwashing classes, forcing me to write the "Four Statements". Under intense pressure and their mistreatment, and due to my fear and strong attachments, I signed my name to the "Four Statements" prepared by them, causing great losses to Dafa. However, my attitude towards Teacher remained unchanged. Still, I did not pass this tribulation. I now solemnly declare that everything I signed under pressure to be null and void. From now on, I will definitely follow the requirements set by Teacher and Dafa, study the Fa well, make every effort to validate Dafa, save the sentient beings and redouble my efforts to compensate for the losses I have caused Dafa. I will cultivate with determination, all the way to the end.

Dafa practitioner: Song Rulan

On November 5, 2003

Translated on November 12, 2003 from
