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Expose the Jiang Regime's Abduction of Overseas Falun Gong Practitioners

November 05, 2003 |   By a Dafa practitioner in China

October 27, 2003

(Clearwisdom.net) Since July of 1999, Jiang's regime has been abducting untold thousands of Falun Gong practitioners in China. Over a thousand practitioners have died or are paralyzed due to being brutally tortured. The regime's crimes are too numerous to be stated. Practitioners in China are not safe from arrest and even overseas practitioners face the danger of being arrested on Chinese soil.

In the spring of 2000, six foreign students staying at a hotel in Beijing were seized by public security officers. A practitioner from Singapore among them was later sent to Shenyang Longshan Labor Camp. Since he would not give up his beliefs, the thugs tortured him ruthlessly with electric batons.

In 2001, a practitioner from Russia was detained in Shenyang Zhangshi Labor Camp, and the arrest of 36 western practitioners on Tiananmen Square shocked the international community.

There have been numerous incidents of foreign practitioners being illegally detained in China since then. Recently, a practitioner from Taiwan, Lin Xiaokai, was arrested by the State Security Ministry while sightseeing and visiting friends in China. He was just released last week. In addition to Japanese practitioner Yoko Kaneko and U.S. practitioner Charles Li, China has illegally arrested over 150 foreign citizens and residents. The number continues to increase.

In "Teaching the Fa at the Washington, D.C. Fa Conference," Teacher said,

"The next person's things are your things, and your things are his things."

Thus when we hear of the persecution of overseas practitioners in China, practitioners around the world should form one body to rescue them. We are disciples in the same cultivation system, we are studying the same Great Law. We cultivate compassion and kindness. During the rescue process, we are saving not just one practitioner, but also countless sentient beings from various cosmic systems.

When we rescue our fellow practitioners, we must understand the Fa based on the Fa and not view problems from the standpoint of everyday people. We cannot be affected by human attachments. Moreover, we must not use human sentiments or everyday people's techniques in rescuing our fellow practitioners. When we clarify the facts to people, we can't have the intention of changing their state of mind, nor can we place our hopes on them. If we did, then we would be hoping for everyday people to save our fellow practitioners. Instead, we should use this chance to form karmic relationships with them, to be compassionate to them, and to save them through clarifying the facts.

In "Explaining the Fa During the 2003 Lantern Festival at the U.S. West Fa Conference," a practitioner asked Teacher,

"On January 22nd a U.S. disciple was arrested at the Guangzhou Airport..."

And Teacher said,

"Since you're Dafa disciples, when there's a problem, everyone should work together as one. Since they aren't afraid of having their dirty deeds brought out into the open, we should expose them all to the whole world, and let all Americans know that a U.S. citizen has been arrested. Since they're not afraid of having their dirty deeds brought out into the open, we should go ahead and do those things. Every day that they don't release him is another day for us to expose them."

We should always do what Teacher tells us. Since they are not afraid of being exposed, then we should use every means to expose the evil. We cannot tolerate the trampling of human rights by Jiang's regime and the illegal abduction of foreign citizens.

The evil is afraid of being exposed. As one body, we should rescue fellow practitioners with all seriousness and increase the intensity of our efforts when clarifying the facts to the world's people.

Practitioners around the world should quickly expose the illegal arrests of practitioners from different countries. We can utilize the opportunity to awaken the world's people's consciences and allow them to realize that Jiang's trampling of human rights and willfully seizing practitioners is a barbaric act.

Rescuing fellow practitioners is a process of progressing in cultivation as a whole. Only when practitioners around the world are no longer divided by national boundaries or races can we shock the evil with joint efforts. When we form one indestructible body, the evil will no longer dare to ruthlessly persecute our fellow practitioners.