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Late Awakening

December 10, 2003 |   By a Practitioner from China


I am a practitioner who has woken up very late. For the last four years, my journey was plain and simple. But with Teacher's boundless benevolence, I also experienced some tribulations and gradually woke up and became more diligent. Today, more than ever, I realize the seriousness of cultivation and Fa-rectification.

Since July 20, 1999, the brutal persecution, vicious attacks and all kinds of slander and fabrications came down. After experiencing decades of the Party's political campaigns here in China, I was used to meekly accepting whatever came at me. This time, I was also afraid and terrified. I had not solidly studied the Fa, so my postnatally formed human notions limited me. Some practitioners talked to me about going to appeal, but I did not even dare think about it. Although I was not willing to yield to the evil, I did not have the courage to go out to validate Dafa's greatness. I was waiting for Teacher to eliminate the evil.

After a year of the evil persecution, I was still very afraid to step forward. However, I still could not escape from the Jiang's regime. One day, someone came to tell me to report to the city police department. I thought that I had a teacher and I did not violate any laws. Why should I be afraid? So I decided to go. I gathered all my courage and said to myself that I would not yield to the evil. On the next day, I arrived at the police department on time. Before I even sat down, they shouted at me using all kinds of foul language. I thought we should not fight back when beaten or sworn at. So I just endured it, even though I felt terrible. They asked me, "Do you still practice Falun Gong?" I replied, "Yes, why should I stop such a good practice?" They changed their rude attitude and said, "Didn't you give it up? ... Well, still practicing is good. Someone reported that you were handing out flyers." I immediately realized Teacher was helping me. The police were still trying to manipulate me. I did not take the bait. I said to them loudly, "Who saw me handing out flyers? Do you think it was wrong for me to not hand out flyers? All right, I think it was wrong that I did not hand out flyers. I am definitely going to do that given the chance in the future." They then said, "We just asked. It's fine that you did not do it." The interrogation just ended like that. When I returned home, I thought about it: why wasn't I afraid? I realized that Teacher had given me wisdom and power and I must treasure that and maintain the effort.

Since then, my front door became a place where police congregated; in other words "safe guarded". I have been retired for over ten years. But, the head and union officials from my former workplace started to "visit" me very often. Some of them even said with a threatening tone, "If you go to appeal, the superiors will withhold my salary. It was me who guaranteed that you would not go." I laughed, "Nobody can guarantee that. My legs are on my body and my head is on my neck. My Teacher taught us to be good people. What do I need others to guarantee?" One day, I was studying the Fa on my balcony and the person who was watching me outside asked me what I was reading. I told her I was reading Zhuan Falun and I could give it to her to read and help her to improve her mind quality. She immediately left without a word. By then, I truly realized the power of Dafa is indestructible and the evil can never defeat truth.

In 2001, I was forced to attend brainwashing sessions in the plant. Sometimes I did not have strong righteous thoughts and did not pass some tests well. Later, with my Fa study and experience sharing with fellow practitioners, I continued to move forward and also did some truth clarification. In 2003, vicious people reported a fellow practitioner while she posted truth clarification materials. The police abducted her, and then came to my home to search for Dafa books. The party secretary of the police department asked me again if I was still practicing. I answered that, "If I told you I am not, you would not believe me. If I told you I am, you would be afraid. So I am just not going to say anything." They did not find anything and left. I was relieved afterward because my fellow practitioner's truth clarification materials were still in my basket. I felt grateful for Teacher's protection and help which made me safe. From then on, we would use wisdom when transporting truth clarification material and not leave loopholes for the evil to take advantage of. This summer, people followed me in the market. Ten minutes after I received the materials, people from the neighborhood committee came to say that I was too old to carry the vegetable basket and they wanted to help me to carry it. I knew their purpose. Teacher told me we should cultivate solemnly and we had nothing to be afraid of since we are doing the most righteous thing. So I just gave the basket to her, wanting to see what she would do. I walked with her and sent forth righteous thoughts along the way. Soon after, she returned the basket to me. I realized it was Teacher who helped me remove the mentality of being afraid. As long as we kept righteous thoughts and righteous actions, there is nothing to fear.

The evil in other dimensions use all kinds of tactics to try to interfere with our validating Dafa and our cultivation. No matter how vicious they are, there is nothing we cannot pass as long as we firmly believe in Dafa and Teacher. As long as we keep righteous thoughts and righteous actions, all evil will be eliminated.

This is the first time I have written from my heart. My courage came from the help of Teacher and fellow practitioners. The purpose of writing this article is to give hope to other practitioners who have had similar experiences, so they can become more diligent, grasp the limited time left, and do well during this last period. There is nothing to be afraid of!

Feedback is welcome from compassionate fellow practitioners.

November 24, 2003