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Forced to Beat Good People: Militia Member Shares His Experience of Supervising a Brainwashing Class

December 16, 2003 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) I am a member of the militia. On September 27, 2002, we were ordered to help with a nursing and caring job. Only when we got to the destination, did we realize that we were supposed to help with a "Legal Study Class" and our task was to "transform" the Falun Gong practitioners there. If we couldn't "transform" them, we were supposed to beat them with punches and kicks.

The officials of "610 Office*" asked us to take any measures necessary against the practitioners. We were authorized to beat them on any parts of the body except for the face. We were supposed to take care to only cause internal injuries instead of external injuries. We were told to force them to kneel, stand in a fixed position for long time, do body searches, pour water on them, forbid them to talk to each other and stop them from thinking. Also we were told to force them to put their understanding in writing, and to read the propaganda brochures, and exhibition boards as well as to watch the videotapes. The officials promised militia members that we could receive awards if we did well.

In the beginning, I thought Falun Gong was just as it is portrayed by the media. After meeting Falun Gong practitioners, I found that they were not mentally disordered at all. They were always soft-spoken and were very kind and compassionate. In fact, they made us feel embarrassed for casually cursing every day.

Once, when we forced them to read some books, six of them refused to read it and were beaten badly. They were dragged to another room and were hit and kicked. One of them said, "Even if I were placed on a knife's edge or in a sea of fire, I would not read any book that slanders Dafa." After beating these people several times, I could no longer stand it. However, I had no choice because there were four other militia members who were responsible for monitoring us. I really did not want to earn a living in such a way and just wanted to go home to stay with my wife and child. But the officials simply would not approve. I never hit very hard because I did not want to beat these good people, and therefore the officials in the "610 Office" shouted at me. The other militia members who were brutal received prizes. The officials in the "610 Office" not only often ordered us to beat Falun Gong practitioners brutally, but also to steal oranges from the farmers in the middle of the night, and provided us with flashlights.

The "Legal Study Class" was actually intended to "transform" Falun Gong practitioners. I heard from the people in the "610 Office" that a 20,000-Yuan special fund had been set up for each practitioner and that all practitioners had to be "transformed." However, the Falun Gong practitioners would neither be verbally persuaded nor bow to force. Their hearts were not moved by threats, cajoling or deception. I really admired them from the bottom of my heart. Although their freedom had been taken away and the brainwashing classes were just like a prison, they always treated us with kindness despite the cruel measures we used against them. They explained their reasons to us anytime they got a chance. I heard that all they ever put on paper is that Falun Gong is good. From their words and deeds, I saw that Falun Gong is good and that practitioners are a group of good people.

I remember, on October 18, when we were first ordered to beat them. It was very windy. Afterwards, the militia members gradually caught cold. One official from the "610 Office" fell to the ground suddenly with a nosebleed. The male militia member who had beaten the practitioners the hardest had a car accident and had to stay in the hospital for several days, costing him over 8,000 Yuan. A female militia member's husband also had a car accident. Was this what they call karmic retribution? I would sooner believe it than not.

That class had originally been scheduled to last over two months but ended two weeks ahead of time for unknown reasons. I was so happy that the nightmare had ended and that the dark period was over. I could finally go home.

* The "610 Office" is an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems.