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Latest News from China - November 23, 2003

December 02, 2003 |  


  • [Anshan City, Liaoning Province] The Lishan Court Secretly Sentences Dafa Practitioners
  • [Benxi City, Liaoning Province] Dafa Practitioner Lu Yankun is Illegally Arrested by Police Officers
  • [Yanshi City, Henan Province] Police Arrest Falun Gong Practitioners
  • [Inner Mongolia] The Mo Qi Detention Center Cruelly Tortures Dafa Practitioners
  • [Shandong Province] Dafa Practitioner Ms. Xiao Lingfang is Reduced to Being Disabled Both Mentally and Physically After Being Tortured at the Forced Labor Camp
  • [Henan Province] Dafa Practitioner Feng Chunrong is Arrested
  • [Hebei Province] Dafa Practitioner Du Xiuying is Arrested
  • [Hunan Province] Dafa Practitioner Wang Yanju is Arrested
  • [Inner Mongolia] Dafa Practitioner Ms. Hao Jinxia is Arrested
  • [Chenzhou City, Hunan Province] News Brief
  • [Puyang City, Henan Province] Dafa Practitioner Gan Shaofei and Others are Arrested
  • [Jiaozuo City, Henan Province] The Jiaozuo City "610 Office" is Promoting a Yu Opera Called "Birthday" Which is Made to Defame Dafa

1. [Anshan City, Liaoning Province] The Lishan Court Secretly Sentences Dafa Practitioners

The Lishan Court of Anshan City planned to sentence Dafa practitioners Wang Honglan, Yang Kezhi, and Wang Lan on October 22, 2003. But their plan disintegrated after Dafa practitioners' sent forth powerful righteous thoughts. On the next day of October 23, the court secretly sentenced Dafa practitioners without even giving a notice to their families. All charges were fabricated and did not follow proper legal procedure.

Relevant people:
Chief Judge: Tang Hongzhe
Judge: Fei Xiaobo
Judge: Wang Shuai

2. [Benxi City, Liaoning Province] Dafa Practitioner Lu Yankun is Illegally Arrested by Police Officers

On the morning on June 2, 2002, Lu Yankun was monitored after police located his cellular phone. Acting in collusion with each other, police from the National Security Bureau, the Jinshui Public Security Branch, and local police stations arrested Lu. Three Dafa practitioners including Mr. Lu were arrested together and detained at Zhengzhou First Detention Center. No visits were allowed. Lu was sentenced to three years in jail. It's said that police spent about 300 thousand yuan [Chinese currency, the monthly income of an urban worker is about 500 yuan] during that period of time in order to locate Lu. Recently it's been heard that Lu is going to be secretly transferred to the 15th group at Xinmi, Henan Province in one week.

3. [Yanshi City, Henan Province] Police Arrest Falun Gong Practitioners

On November 9 and 10, police officers from the Yanshi Public Security Bureau and the "610 office"[an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems] broke into the homes of residents to arrest Falun Gong practitioners. They not only detained them, but extorted money from them as well.

Falun Gong practitioners being persecuted include Zhang Xiang, Jia Yiping from the Tangsensi Village, Houshi Town, and Li Fengrui and others from the Xiguanmao Village, Fudian Town.

4. [Inner Mongolia] The Mo Qi Detention Center Cruelly Tortures Dafa Practitioners

The Mo Qi Detention Center once locked Dafa practitioners with their hands handcuffed and feet shackled on a wooden board for over 20 days together with criminals and mental patients. They handcuffed and shackled five Dafa practitioners together in a chain by locking one's right foot to another person's left foot.)

5. [Shandong Province] Dafa Practitioner Ms. Xiao Lingfang is Reduced to Being Disabled Both Mentally and Physically After Being Tortured at the Forced Labor Camp

Dafa practitioner Ms. Xiao Lingfang became mentally and physically disabled after ssuffering prolonged torture at the Qiugu Forced Labor Camp. He was then later released. After two months, he is still not completely recovered and unable to take care of himself.

6. [Henan Province] Dafa Practitioner Feng Chunrong is Arrested

Feng Chunrong is from Jiaozuo City. On November 1, 2003, he was arrested at home and his legs were injured. Police officers from the Wangchu Township Police Station illegally searched Dafa practitioners' homes; several Dafa practitioners were sent to a forced labor camp. Details are forthcoming.

Phone of the Wangchu Township Police Station: 86-391-3587401

7. [Hebei Province] Dafa Practitioner Du Xiuying is Arrested

Ms. Du Xiuying lives at the Xisanjiao Village, Shijiazhuang City. On November 4, 2003, when she was visiting her mother's home, she was arrested by police officers from the Sun Village Police Station while posting Dafa truth materials. Her whereabouts are currently unknown.

8. [Hunan Province] Dafa Practitioner Wang Yanju is Arrested

Ms. Wang Yanju is about 50 years old, an employee at the Huaihua City Film Company. At around 8 am on November 8, 2003, she delivered Dafa truth materials under a bridge at the Central Market of Huaihua City, was reported to police by the wife of a government clerk of the Hecheng District, and was then illegally arrested. Before being arrested, Ms. Wang had left home for over two years to avoid being persecuted.

9. [Inner Mongolia] Dafa Practitioner Ms. Hao Jinxia is Arrested

Ms. Hao Jinxia is from Duolun County, Xi Meng. She and two other Dafa practitioners who delivered Dafa truth materials were arrested by police officers.

10. [Chenzhou City, Hunan Province] News Brief

Recently Dafa practitioners have been tortured to death in Chenzhou. Public trials of Dafa practitioners and speeches defaming Dafa have also been held.

11. [Puyang City, Henan Province] Dafa Practitioner Gan Shaofei and Others are Arrested

Around October 17, 2003, Mr. Gan Shaofei from Puyang and a female Dafa practitioner were illegally arrested. They are now being held at the Puyang Detention Center.

12. [Jiaozuo City, Henan Province] The Jiaozuo City "610 Office" is Promoting a Yu Opera Called "Birthday" Which is Made to Defame Dafa

On November 5, 2003, the Jiaozuo City "610 Office" [an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems.] issued a document numbered 2003-No.8 in which it ordered the city governmental units to buy tickets according to quota and organize people to watch "Birthday" which is a Yu (a simplified name of Henan Province) style opera made to defame Dafa.

Contact person: Bi Mingzhi, Wang Zhihua, Tel. 86-391-3933200. The opera will start at 2:30pm on November 16, 2003 at the Yixin Theater of Jiaozuo City.

It's known that the Henan Province "610 office," the Provincial Civilization Office, the Provincial Cultural Hall, and the Provincial Cultural Association have decided that this opera will be on tour across the Province.

Phone numbers of relevant people and units:

Li Fuxiang, manager of the Yixin Theater of Jiaozuo City, 86-391-3933023,86-391-3934231, 86-391-3932629
The Yu Opera Chamber: 86-391-2922843
The Movie and Opera Company: 86-391-3932267, 86-391-3933622

The Cultural Department:
Head, Kong Linjiang, 86-391-2925690(O), 86-391-2913766(H), 86-13803917839(Mobile)
Deputy Head, Liu Guofu, 86-391-2936090(O), 86-391-7261037(H), 86-13503915871(Mobile)
Deputy Head, Ying Fanzhen, 86-391-2914307(O), 86-391-3936848(H), 86-13707686149(Mobile)
Deputy Head, Li Liugen, 86-391-2936309(O), 86-391-2929936(H), 86-13803918506(Mobile)
Office Manager, Wang Jiaozhong, 86-391-2923498(O), 86-391-2927277(H), 86-391-2231511(Mobile)

November 22, 2003