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A Policeman and a Retired Communist Party Member Try to Help Practitioners

February 12, 2003 |  

Feb. 1, 2003


Policeman Allows Practitioners To Distribute Truth-Clarifying Material

A young policeman was chatting with a Falun Dafa practitioner, "One night, I saw a female Falun Gong practitioner handing out flyers. I did not disturb her. I let her continue. Falun Gong doesn't disturb society [as the government propaganda falsely claims]. They are doing nothing but clarifying the truth about Falun Gong. Go right ahead. One other time I received a telephone call telling me that a Falun Gong practitioner was handing out flyers somewhere. I didn't take it seriously and said, 'Let's just leave them alone.'" Upon hearing the policeman say this, the practitioner felt very happy and grateful to him from the bottom of her heart. Those that treat Falun Dafa practitioners well are sure to have a wonderful future.

Retired Member Of The Party Protects Practitioners

Recently a new family moved from the city to a village in Dalian, Liaoning Province. The head of the household is a retired Party member. One day, while a Falun Dafa practitioner was clarifying the truth to him, he said, "I'm telling you. I was in charge of capturing Falun Gong practitioners in their homes before I retired. I appeared to obey orders, but I was actually helping practitioners. Whenever I received an order from my superiors to ransack someone's home or make an arrest, I would secretly inform the Falun Gong practitioner before I actually went to their location with my staff. Purposefully, I would never find anything. I know Falun Gong is good. I wanted to help them."