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Switzerland: Practitioners Expose the Facts Behind the Persecution at the World Economic Forum in Davos

February 23, 2003 |   By Swiss practitioners


The World Economic Forum was held at Switzerland's famous Davos ski resort between January 23 and 27, 2003. To let more people know about Falun Gong and to reveal the facts of the persecution, practitioners went to this mountainous city. During the five days of activities, there were many touching episodes.

We obtained a booth for our activities, which was just outside the World Economic Forum venue. This was a place that the participants, public and skiers frequently passed by. Practitioners played Dafa music and displayed three huge banners, which read "Falun Dafa is Good!", "Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance", and "Please Rescue the Falun Gong Practitioners Being Persecuted in China". The banners were both eye-catching and solemn, and attracted many reporters from TV stations, newspapers and radio stations. Materials that explained the facts of the persecution were handed out one after another. After watching practitioners demonstrate the exercises, three young people asked for literature and learned the Falun Gong exercises on the spot.

Despite the sub zero temperature and the continual blizzards, practitioners demonstrated the exercises, sent forth righteous thoughts every hour and handed out materials from 9:30 a.m. until 5:30 p.m.. This scene moved many people. They often came up to the practitioners and said, "I have read all the information here. Jiang is really too cruel. I hope this disaster will come to an end soon. I wish you all good luck." A Swiss participant at the Forum said, "I have read all of your materials. What you're doing is really important, and you are doing a very good job. Since you are such nice people, the Chinese government should be happy, because the more decent people there are, the better society is. It is incredible that Jiang is oppressing such kind-hearted people. I'll bring up the issue of Falun Gong practitioners' human rights to the Chinese delegation at the press conference later on." The policemen greeted the practitioners with smiles and asked for the materials and VCD's. Practitioners especially focused on revealing the truth to the Chinese people. Whenever practitioners saw Chinese people walking near the booth, they would greet them with a smile. Most of them would accept the materials and offer their thanks. But some who were influenced by the Jiang regime's propaganda would avoid the Falun Gong booth.

There was one especially touching story. One morning, just as practitioners were getting ready to sit down and send forth righteous thoughts, they noticed an elderly Chinese man staring at them. A practitioner approached him to tell him about the persecution in China, and handed him some leaflets and a VCD. The man accepted all of them and said, "Sitting on the snow in such cold weather, you should take care." The practitioners replied: "We don't feel cold because we are cultivating Falun Dafa." He replied: "Yes, I noticed that all of your faces are glowing with health, and you all have sturdy bodies. However, my physical condition is not good. Could you help me out if I want to practise Falun Gong? I need a book about Falun Gong." Since he was so eager to learn, a practitioner gave him his copy of Zhuan Falun [the main text of Falun Dafa]. The elderly man left happily, while murmuring, "What a group of kind-hearted people!"

On the last two days, there were evening sessions of the World Economic Forum, which were open to everyone. Dafa practitioners used this golden opportunity to raise their concerns about Jiang's persecution of Falun Gong in China. After the meeting adjourned, practitioners continued to talk with other participants, and explained the facts about the persecution to them, as well as distributing VCD's and other materials. The result was really wonderful.

Thinking of the people there, the practitioners felt that it was Master Li's compassion that brought them to us.

Source: http://www.clearharmony.net/articles/200302/10475.html