March 13, 2003
Rt. Hon. Jean Chretien
Prime Minister of Canada
Langevin Building
80 Wellington Street
Ottawa, ON K1A 0A2
Dear Prime Minister,
I was interested to read your comments in a speech that " It is in all of our interests to use the power and moral weight of international institutions in this complex world."
Certainly, in today's world, the need for international organizations to uphold human rights is more critical than ever. Indeed, the United Nations Human Rights Commission itself has a very important role to play and has the authority to censure countries for their abuses of human rights.
The Chinese government has flagrantly abused the human rights of its citizens, including the persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners. The government has imprisoned thousands of citizens simply for their spiritual beliefs. These abuses need to be brought to the attention of the international community.
The United Nation Commission on Human Rights (UNHCR) will convene on March 17, 2003, I believe that Canadian government must take a leading role to speak out for justice and the protection of religious freedom. I ask you to initiate a resolution to condemn China's treatment of the followers of Falun Gong at the UNHCR.
Yours sincerely
(signed )
Libby Davies, MP
Vancouver East
c.c. Falun Dafa Association of Canada