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Apple Daily: Candlelight Vigil by 43 Organizations Against Article 23 (excerpt)

March 4, 2003


Hong Kong's Chinese-language Apple Daily reported on February 24:

In a sea of opposing voices, the Legislative Council will read out its "State Security Draft Regulations" for the enactment of Article 23 on February 25. The Human Rights Alignment, comprised of 43 nongovernmental organizations, will hold a candlelight vigil on the evening of February 24 to protest the HK government's forceful enactment of Article 23, disregarding the will of the people.

A number of democratic members in the Legislative Council gathered in the street in Central Hong Kong. They were calling on citizens to participate in the anti-Article 23 candlelight vigil that was held that evening in Charter Garden to protest the sham of "public consultation," saying that the government is making themselves an enemy of the people by rushing into the enactment of Article 23. At the event, apart from satirical performances against Article 23, representatives from law, education, labor, religion, press, culture and the science sectors were also to give speeches on stage.