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If We Don't Follow the Evil's Instructions, It Would Not be as Rampant

April 18, 2003 |   By Xiao Can

April 9, 2003


I went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong in 1999 and was detained for over two years. During that time, I was transferred to more than ten different places where Falun Gong practitioners were detained, such as a police station, a brainwashing class, a detention center, a custody center, a labor camp, and a prison. We were required to turn in a sum of money every month for our lodging. I told my family not to give them a penny. I had not booked those places to stay. Rather, I had been arrested and detained there. Due to the illegal detention, I was deprived of a normal life and the opportunity to work. Instead of giving them money, I should ask them for monetary compensation.

My family never gave them any money. In the end, my work place and neighborhood committee turned in the money in my name. Once I held a hunger strike in the hospital and was at the verge of dying. The police department branch tried to extort 10,000 Yuan from my family for my release, (the average monthly income of an urban worker is 500 Yuan) but my family refused to pay. They then reduced the amount to 5,000 Yuan, but my family told them: "We don't care about his release. You may send him wherever you want." The police were afraid of being responsible for my death, so they sent me home without taking a penny from my family.

The police and officials who do not abide by the law extort money from practitioners' families. They would set some practitioners free upon receiving a large amount of money and arrest them again soon afterwards. The police are not trustworthy.

Ever since 1999, no matter where I was detained, my family never gave them any money. In the end, I was able to get out of the evil den openly and nobly. Not only practitioners, but their families also should not follow the evil's instructions. This way, their dirty tricks will be to no avail.

A practitioner was arrested while passing out truth-clarifying flyers. The police deceived her by saying, "As long as you answer our questions truthfully, you will be set free." She did as they requested, but was still sent to the labor camp. When another practitioner was arrested, the police showed her a fake transcript of the interrogation of another practitioner, saying that he had told them everything and had given his fingerprint. As a result, she answered their questions in the interrogation. In fact, the other practitioner had never been arrested.

The police have no good reason to arrest people who live by "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance." Therefore, we shouldn't follow their instructions in the first place. If we do, we are actually putting ourselves into a dangerous situation.

If we have righteous thoughts and actions, and can really be as solid as diamond, the evil will be stopped for certain.