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Guelph Mercury (Canada) Letter to the Editor: Learn the truth about Falun Gong

April 24, 2003 |  

April 22, 2003 Tuesday

Dear Editor - I am really sad and disheartened to hear negative and unkind responses to such a peaceful meditation/exercise group as Falun Gong. However I can't totally blame letter-writer Tao Liu "Falun Gong reviews decidedly mixed" (The Guelph Mercury, April 9).

The Chinese Communist party has a strong history of demonizing any group they feel threatened by or wish to suppress. They also have the power, in China, to make up any story or change the law to suit their needs. There are no fair trials or legal avenues of appeal for the Falun Gong.

The Communist party is free to fabricate lies, make unjustified accusations, and torture its victims mercilessly, until they either break down, confess, or die.

Even through all of this however, the Falun Gong have remained peaceful and are not against the government. They only want the right to practice their belief in an upright and dignified manner and have the reputation of their teacher restored.

Chinese authorities slander, lie, and fabricate frame-ups of murders and self immolations in order to justify their persecution of these innocent people. But that doesn't make their stories true. I have read and heard many documented personal accounts from some of the hundreds of thousands of Falun Gong practitioners who have been illegally detained and brutally tortured. They are hard to stomach and very real.

I would like to ask your readers to learn more and make an educated decision. See www.falundafa.org and www.faluninfo.net.

They can tell you the other side of the story, the side of the story that the people of China never get to see, and I suggest Tao Liu to also have a look.

I only want you to know the truth so that you will help put an end to and not contribute to such a vicious persecution.

I have been practicing Falun Gong for over two years now and from what I have learned, taking your life or anyone else's goes completely against the principles of Zhen (Truthfulness), Shan (Compassion), Ren (Forbearance) and the teachings of Falun Gong.

If a person did do this he would not be considered a good practitioner, because the basis of Falun Gong is to have a high standard of morality or heart-mind nature (virtue).

There is billions of dollars worth of propaganda out there conveniently provided and paid for by the Communist party.

They have out right stated that their goal is to eradicate the Falun Gong at any cost.

What are we going to do? Add to the hate and persecution, silently going along with it to keep the biggest trade market open? Or are we going to stand up for humanity and goodness.

What kind of a future do you want for your world, which one do you choose?

I appeal to all kindhearted people of the world. Please take the time to learn the truth and help stop the persecution.

Jane Banks