Facts About the Persecution
In February 2003, Dafa practitioner Kong Fanrong was kidnapped by police from the Anqing Road Police Station in Changchun City and was sent to Shulan City Detention Center. He is now on the verge of death. For several days in a row, the detention center sent him to Shulan City Hospital for emergency treatment. His family demanded his release. The detention center claims the court is in charge of the case, while the court says it's unable to reach a verdict due to a lack of evidence. Pressed by Kong's family, the court later said thoughtlessly it would announce the verdict tomorrow! We call for kind-hearted people in the world and Dafa practitioners in and outside of China to give a hand of just support.
As SARS spreads rampantly and people's lives are in danger, Zhang Jiantao, the Shenzhou City Law and Politics Committee secretary, Hebei Province and the head of the "610 Office" ignored the welfare of more than 500,000 people in Shenzhou City and devoted all his energy into persecuting Falun Gong, out of personal interest. He arranged for persecution measures and dispatched almost all judicial, legal and police officers in the city to patrol traffic intersections and bus stations 24 hours a day. They claim to be checking for SARS, while they are actually checking for Falun Gong practitioners. They even put up rewards of 200 to 5000 Yuan to encourage people to report practitioners who do Dafa exercises and clarify the truth. They would punish the head of work units where Falun Gong practitioners work and do truth clarification. The people condemned the government when watching TV, saying, "What kind of nasty government official is this? What situation are we facing? They persecute Falun Gong instead of doing what they are supposed to do."
On the evening of April 3, Dafa practitioners Gong Fang, Pei Yongmei and Tan Ning were kidnapped by the Zhangmutou Police Station in Dongguan City, Guangdong Province. They are currently being detained at the No. 2 Detention Center in Dongguan City.
Phone number of the No.2 Detention Center: 86-769-2203574, 86-769-2209671
Phone number of Dongguan City Police Department: 86-769-2222107
Recently, the thugs in Laixi City, Shandong Province indulged in fanatical persecution against Dafa practitioners, led by Wang Xiuhua, the new "610 Office" head. In broad daylight, the thugs broke into Dafa practitioners' homes and work units to arrest them. Many practitioners including Meng Peihua, Sun Yuzhen, Wang Qiaoyun, and Zhang Yanming were arrested and their whereabouts are unknown.
Here is the criminal record of vicious thugs at Xishanping Labor Camp, Chongqing City. Du Yi, the former chief of strict control team at the Xishanping Labor Camp brutally beat Dafa practitioners on numerous occasions. They tortured the practitioners with "Tying with a Rope"1, and Du Yi incited the prisoners to brutally beat Dafa practitioners with wooden stools and planks. They stab knife blades into practitioners' anuses and burn them with fire and they don't allow practitioners to sleep or eat. They forced Dafa practitioners to do slave work over time. Du Yi is the perpetrator who is directly responsible for the torture death of practitioner Li Zetao. Zhou Ping, the former supply chief of the strict control team embezzled food supplies. Guard Gao Ding attacked Dafa many times both verbally and in written forms. Tian Xin, the education section head of the labor camp is directly in charge of persecuting Falun Gong practitioners at the Xishanping Labor Camp. Almost all persecutions occurring in the labor camp are directly related to Tian Xin. He announced Jiang's secret order many times, "beaten to death should be counted as suicide," "cremate on the spot and don't check for identification."
Practitioners Exchange Insights
Small lesson -- about chatting online. The first time I saw vulgar things being said in an Internet chat room, I thought these people were so dirty and ugly. Later, I gradually realized I was an ordinary person when I was moved by those human emotions, and I would be in the state of an ordinary person. When my heart remains unmoved, I felt free and I could do things at will, and I could clarify the truth from different perspectives and using different methods.
Righteous Thoughts and Righteous Actions
1. Believe in Dafa and Master -- my experience of breaking free with righteous thoughts. On January 23, 2003, two evil thugs broke into my home and they ransacked through everything. My mind remained calm as I sent forth righteous thoughts and asked Master to help me so the thugs wouldn't find any Dafa materials. They searched for a long time and couldn't find anything, while the materials were right beside them. Thugs tried to coerce me to go to the police station. They said, "Your fellow practitioners admitted they got CDs and flyers from your place." I felt a little bad but a thought occurred to me, "Believe in Dafa, Master and fellow practitioners. This is only the evil's trick." I didn't admit anything and the police couldn't get anything from me no matter what they did. In the end they claimed they would detain me for 15 days. On the next day, the police chief asked me to give up cultivation. First I repudiated him, later my mind became blank and I couldn't say anything. I only remembered that I was in a bad health condition before practicing Dafa, and I became healthy afterwards. I could only validate the Fa from the perspective of my health improvement. I always kept powerful righteous thoughts at the police station. At noon, with Master's benevolent protection, I walked out of the police station in an open and dignified manner.
2. This is my experience of resisting the persecution and thoroughly clarifying the truth. The police didn't release me until I was on the verge of death from torture. On the next day, after I came back home, several practitioners exchanged thoughts and we felt we should demand the release of my wife. My sister and another practitioner went to the local police station first and then they went to the district police department. The district police department shifted the responsibility to the local police station, which in turn shifted back to the district police department. They went back and forth several times and once they went into the conference room of the police station. The police chief was giving a speech and a police officer asked them to wait. The fellow practitioner said loudly in the hallway, "It's a matter of life and death. We can't wait." The chief came out immediately. Before the Chinese New Year, my sister went to the legal section of the city police department and pointed out that they had violated legal procedure, and she also went to the supervisory division of the city police department to complain that the district police department detained my wife over time. She also went to the city "610 Office" with righteous thoughts. The person who received her panicked and repeatedly asked, "How did you get here? Who told you about us?" After this, the city "610 Office" went underground. They were continuously exposed on Minghui Net and they constantly moved, afraid of the sunlight. Next, we wrote "Situation Report" and "Seeking Legal Support" articles, which we widely distributed through the mail and on posters. We clarified the truth to people whose names were listed in the yellow pages of the phone book. We tried to let the public understand that the TV programs were made of lies, and that the government is unjust, so people could learn about Falun Gong from a positive perspective. When we encounter very vicious people, we made sure to suppress their aggressiveness and to let them know they are wrong. The outcome for this kind of large-scale truth clarification and exposure of the evil was very good.
News From China
After returning to Nanjing City from a trip to Beijing, Jin Guohua, the associate chief of Xinhua Bookstore in Jiangsu Province ignored the house quarantine order he received and traveled to several cities. He lied to a doctor and also showed SARS symptoms in late April, which made him the first suspected SARS case in Nanjing City. He caused tens of thousands of Nanjing citizens to be quarantined. WHO officials said the plague has not yet reached its peak in China. The situation in Jiangsu Province shows the risk of possible continuous spread of SARS in China. The Beijing public health system is still unable to provide basic information on SARS cases, which is a critical step to curb the spread of the disease.
1"Tying with a Rope": This is another ruthless torture method used by the police. During this torture, both arms of the victim are lacerated. The ropes cut into the flesh. In the least severe situation, this torture makes the victim's hands cold and numb for several months, while in the severest cases it would make the victims permanently disabled.
Category: Accounts of Persecution