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Some Thoughts on Keeping a Proper State of Mind While Clarifying the Truth with the SARS Issue

May 06, 2003 |   By a practitioner in China


Recently Clearwisdom.net has published quite a few news reports and review articles regarding SARS. These articles expose and criticize the Chinese government's cover up of the truth and will enable people to further understand the truth centering on SARS. However, I feel that as Dafa disciples we should further our understanding of the SARS issue, and cultivate and purify ourselves in the process of clarifying the truth using this issue. Here I'd like to share some of my understandings.

1) Dafa Disciples Must Cultivate Compassion

Influenced by atheism, many Chinese people do not believe in prophecies, nor do they believe in karmic retribution. When faced with this situation, practitioners sometimes tend to think, "You will believe in all these when the time is due." However, we unknowingly develop the attachment to time and other external factors. We even have a mentality of arguing with everyday people. When first hearing about SARS, some practitioners immediately responded, "See, now that the retribution has come, do you remember we warned you of this long ago?" In the eyes of people who do not know the truth yet, such a response will certainly sound like practitioners are making fun of others' misfortune. As I see it, this reflects that we lack strong compassion and righteous thoughts.

The fundamental mission of Dafa practitioners is to clarify the truth and save sentient beings before the force of Fa-rectification comes to the human world. When we see people heading towards dangerous situations because they are deceived by Jiang's regime, our first thought should be to feel sorry for them because many of them may have a predestined relationship with us. Don't we want to try all means to help them understand the truth and establish righteous thoughts towards Dafa? Maybe a couple of sentences that come from the bottom of our hearts can touch them deep down inside, and they may thus have a better future. Maybe the mystery disease will not infect them, or they might recover without medical treatment.

2) "I Am Not Afraid Because I Am a Dafa Practitioner"--This Thought Is a Manifestation of Selfishness

When learning about the wide spread of SARS, if someone thinks that "I am not afraid because I am a Dafa practitioner," then that person does not have righteous thoughts. What's behind such zealotry is strong selfishness. It is far from the complete selflessness required by Dafa.

If Dafa practitioners fail to make good use of their time to save sentient beings, they will regret it deeply when the truth is revealed. In fact, if we can truly study the Fa well, we won't have the abovementioned mentality. Doing well the three things required of us by Teacher is extremely important.

No matter what, there are always people who are completely unsalvageable. The question is how many more people will become unsalvageable because they are deceived by the lies? We can't ignore such an issue. What Dafa practitioners can and should do is to make good use of time to clarify the truth and offer salvation to people who can still be saved.

This is just my personal understanding. Please kindly offer suggestions.
