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Japan: Kinki Area Practitioners Continue "Rescue Yoko Kaneko" Signature Campaign in Mie County (Photos)

June 10, 2003 |  

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Signature yellow cloth

(Clearwisdom.net) May 9 2003 report: Mie County is over one hundred kilometers away from Osaka and there are no Falun Gong practitioners in that county. To prepare for the activity, a few practitioners went to Mie county days before the event to contact local media and government offices. Most of the people there never heard about Falun Gong, not to mention the persecution in China. So this activity was the first Falun Dafa related activity in Mie County.

Early on the morning of June 7th 2003, Falun Gong practitioners came to Mie County by train to collect signature for their "Rescue Yoko Kaneko Petition." In the morning, some residents signed their names after the practitioners' requests. Later, many people read the flyers and took the initiative to sign for support.

At an intersection, many drivers asked for flyers from the practitioner. One little boy first asked his parents to get a flyer. But the parents felt it was not safe to walk cross the traffic so they didn't do it. The little boy opened the door himself, came over to the practitioners, took a flyer and ran back to the car feeling very satisfied.

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Falun Gong practitioner interviewed by local media Practitioners collect signatures

In the afternoon, many residents signed their names. One woman read the display boards about the how Jiang's regime has persecuted the practitioners in China. She took out some money and wanted to donate it to a practitioner. The practitioner told her that we only collect signatures, and do not accept money or material donations. The woman said she heard about human rights violations in China from time to time, but this was the first time to see the real examples of cruel torture. She was shocked and strongly condemned Jiang regime's brutality.

Local media in Mie County covered the event. The practitioners accepted interviews introduced background information about Yoko Kaneko's persecution and also talked about the lawsuit against Jiang in America. The reporter was very interested in the lawsuit and asked many questions.