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Summary of Other Articles and News - 07/12/2003

July 16, 2003 |  


Facts of the Persecution

1) In April 2003, the Guizhou Province Women's Labor Education Center founded the so-called "Conquering Barrier Team" to persecute Falun Gong practitioners with brutal tortures, hoping to achieve 100% transformation rate. The police isolate Falun Gong practitioners and have drug addicts surround them. They do not allow Falun Gong practitioners to sleep, pour cold water on them, beat them with fists and kick them. They also force practitioners to spin around more than 200 times in a row. After long- term separation from the outside world, many Falun Gong practitioners experienced muscle atrophy and lost flexibility from not being allowed to move or being forced to stand for a long time.

2) On June 29, Dalian TV station of Dalian City, Liaoning Province broadcasted on its "New Perspective" program that Dalian Labor Education Center was kind to the detained Falun Gong practitioners. It attacked the Clearwisdom website. The Dalian Evening News also reported it on June 30. Hao Wenshuai, the president of the education center, even publicly claimed that the reports on Clearwisdom are wrong. This evoked a great response from local Falun Gong practitioners, as Falun Gong practitioners Wang Qiuxia, Sun Lianxia, and Liu Yonglai were persecuted to death by the labor education center. There are other practitioners that were persecuted to be handicapped, such as Qu Hui and Liu Wencan. In order to force Falun Gong practitioners to transform, the labor education center uses electric batons, rubber batons, and various other torture methods. Practitioners are deprived of sleep, forced to squat, kept in small wards, and handcuffed to a bed for a long time. People who know the truth also criticized the news for being full of lies.

3) In December 2002, at Masanjia Labor Education Center a series of tortures and lies were used to force the detained Falun Gong practitioners to give up cultivation. The police lied that practitioners sticking to cultivation will be sent to Dabei Prison on December 20, and that everyone would be released from Masanjia between March and April of 2004. Meanwhile they used brutal tortures, such as not allowing practitioners to sleep or to use the restroom, forcing them to squat day and night, handcuffing them on heaters, and binding their legs in the double-lotus position. Under the viciousness some practitioners were forced to give in against their conscience. In May 2003 those practitioners all woke up and resumed cultivation. The police put those practitioners in a new separated area for SARS on the first floor for both psychological and physical torture. Using SARS as an excuse they isolated practitioners and did not allow their families to visit them.

Practitioners Exchange Insights

To have a right attitude toward the hardships of our body: Master said in Lecturing on and Explaining the Fa at the Metropolitan New York Fa Conference: "when we're changing our own most surface bodies there's a portion that you need to endure yourselves. But relatively speaking it isn't big, and it won't have too much of an impact on validating the Fa. When very big hardships come along, that has to be the evil interfering, and you have to send righteous thoughts to eliminate it!" Master told us to judge hardships with reasons. How do we judge them? There is a measurement: I understand that if the pain you endure is not significant and does not have big impact on validating Dafa, it is normal karma elimination. On the other hand, if it has a big impact on Fa validation, it must be interference from the evil. If it is eliminating karma we should pay our debt. If it is the evil interference then we should send forth righteous thoughts to eliminate it.

News from China

Li Guimin from Cuiling Area, Yichun City of Heilongjiang Province made rhymes to slander Dafa. He got cancer of the spine and did not recover after spending 10,000 Yuan. Ren Shuqin, the Neighborhood Committee head of Cuiling Area, Yichun City assisted the Jiang regime in persecuting Falun Gong practitioners and received a 300 Yuan bonus. Her grandson suddenly got heart disease. It cost over 50,000 Yuan just for medical care.

News and Activities Around the World

How does the Chinese propaganda machine function? At Channel 9 of China Central TV (CCTV) all the news is through cable. News is downloaded from the web and is edited according to the Party's policy. It is then passed to one of the on site supervisors. The news at Channel 9 all comes from the official Chinese news agency -- Xinhua News Agency. There is no need to contact news agency or reporters off site. There are no direct interviews, no need to take time differences into consideration, and no pressure. This is really a good place to catch up on one's sleep. The mission of Channel 9 is to let foreigners see that there is reform in China and that our news is the same as your news. The management mission is to establish a good image for the Chinese government. That's why you always see a prosperous China from the CCTV programs.

World Daily, July 11, New Jersey: The newly founded New Jersey Current Affairs and Culture Association held a seminar entitled "Seeing Through Jiang's 13-Year Regime" in central New Jersey. Main speakers all criticized Jiang Zemin, the Central Military Chairman of Mainland China, for his poor political performance since taking over the power. He signed a treaty giving land to Russia, and carried out persecution of religions and spiritual beliefs. He is the source of corruption of officials and businessmen. Speakers all emphasized that Jiang's 13-year regime has been harmful and not at all beneficial to Mainland China.