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UK: Report on the SOS Car Tour to Rescue our Persecuted Family Members (2) (Photos)

July 18, 2003 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) A few coastal cities in the southwest of England are famous for their beautiful scenery and simple, honest people. They are also among the most famous holiday resorts in the country. On July 10, practitioners from the English SOS Rescue Team organized a car tour to visit two of those cities.

This was not the first time that these cities had received a visit from an SOS Car Tour. In 2001, Minghui, the child of UK practitioners, was denied a Chinese passport. English Dafa practitioners held their first SOS Car Tour to tell the truth about the Chinese Embassy's persecution of baby Minghui to the people of England. Under condemnation from the British Government, Parliament, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and various media, the Chinese Embassy had no choice but to issue the passport to little Minghui. This time, in a call for the freedom of three of their relatives and friends who have been irrationally imprisoned and persecuted in China, UK practitioners visited these cities again in the hope that the local authorities, media and general public can learn more about what is happening to Chinese Falun Gong practitioners.

During the journey, practitioners listened to Master Li's lectures and sent forth righteous thoughts. Although the schedule was tight, things went relatively smoothly.

We first rushed to a local newspaper office. The Editor was very interested in Falun Gong and we had met him before to tell him about Minghui's case. He praised our perseverance and our peaceful fight for justice, truth and human rights, especially after we told him about the Genocide lawsuit filed against Chinese dictator Jiang Zemin in Chicago. The Editor was very happy and took a lot of background information to learn more about Falun Gong.

We came to the building of the City Council not long afterward. A Council representative treated us kindly, happily accepted the appeal letters we had written to each City Council member and seriously listened as we told him about the campaign to rescue our persecuted family members. During this period of time, we had some short interviews with reporters and other media representatives.

Next, we drove for about two hours to another city. As usual, we started by visiting a local newspaper in this city. A reporter recorded our conversation with the Editor. We then went to the City Council building. As the Lord Mayor was not there, the appeal letters were passed on to Council members by a Council official. Finally, practitioners had an interview with a reporter outside the building of the City Council. The reporter raised many questions that were all thoroughly answered.

Source: http://clearharmony.net/articles/200307/13871.html