Ms. Han was kidnapped, detained and released by police on two separate occasions for practicing Falun Gong. On February 28, 2001 she was arrested a third time, fired from her job and sentenced to two years in Zhongba Farm Female Forced Labor Camp in Guizhou Province because she continued to practice Falun Gong.
According to sources familiar with her case, while detained in Zhongba Labor Camp Ms. Han endured torture and abuse at the hands of prison guards. In particular, Ms. Han was severely beaten by a female guard named Gu Xingying, 29 years old, who then enlisted 8 male guards to tie up Ms. Han and inject her with four doses of unknown drugs.
From that point on, Ms. Han's muscles began to atrophy, her lower limbs became virtually paralyzed, she had difficulty breathing and her mental state was unclear.
As her condition deteriorated, authorities in Zhongba Camp released Ms. Han on September 3rd, 2002 to avoid responsibility for her death. Ms. Han never recovered and died on March 20, 2003.
Contact Information for Responsible Parties:
Zhongba Female Forced Labor Camp in Guizhou Province: 86-851-2549207
Pingba County People's Government: 86-853-4224114
County's head: Li Shengxiang
China Guihang Corporation Pingshui Machinery Factory
Phone number: 86-853-3851731
Address: Xiaoshan Village, Xiayun Town, Pingba County, Anshun Area, Guizhou Province, Zip code:
NEWS - Jul. 27, 2003
Falun Dafa Information Center, www.faluninfo.net
Falun Gong, also known as Falun Dafa (about), is a practice of meditation and exercises with teachings based on the universal principle of "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance." It is a practice that was taught in private for thousands of years before being made public in 1992 by Mr. Li Hongzhi. Falun Gong has roots in traditional Chinese culture, but it is distinct and separate from other practices such as the religions of Buddhism and Taoism. Since its introduction in 1992, it quickly spread by word of mouth throughout China, and is now practiced in over 50 countries.
With government estimates of as many as 100 million practicing Falun Gong, China's President Jiang Zemin outlawed the peaceful practice in July 1999 (report), fearful of anything touching the hearts and minds of more citizens than the Communist Party. Unable to crush the spirit of millions who had experienced improved health and positive life changes from Falun Gong, Jiang's regime has intensified its propaganda campaign to turn public opinion against the practice while quietly imprisoning, torturing and even murdering those who practice it.
Falun Dafa Information Center has verified details of 757 deaths (reports / sources)
since the persecution of Falun Gong in China began in 1999. Government officials inside China,
however, report that the actual death toll is well over 1,600, while expert sources estimate that
figure to be much higher. Hundreds of thousands have been detained, with more than 100,000
being sentenced to forced labor camps, typically without trial.
Contacts: Gail Rachlin (+1 917-501-4441), Levi Browde (+1 914-720-0963), Erping Zhang (+1
646-533-6147), or Feng Yuan (+1 917-941-1097).
Fax: 646-792-3916 Email: faluninfoctr@nycmail.com,
Website: http://www.faluninfo.net/
Mailbox of FalunInfo editor@faluninfo.net