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280 Dafa Practitioners Solemnly Declare Their Forced Brainwashing in the Masanjia Labor Camp To Be Null and Void

July 06, 2003 |  


Solemn declarations from 280 practitioners: We declare that all of our words and actions that deviated from the Fa, as a result of the brutal persecution and forced brainwashing at the Masanjia Labor Camp in late 2002, are completely null and void. We will sincerely catch up with Master's Fa-rectification, and amend the losses we brought to Dafa.

Proclaimed by: Zhao Caihua, Huang Guifen, Chai Yan, and 280 other Dafa practitioners.

Dafa practitioners Sun Jianjun and Song XX, who were detained in Group One of Brigade One at Masanjia, endured long periods of persecution because they refused to cooperate with the evil. They started a hunger strike on January 30 of 2002 in an attempt to gain their release. Currently they have been force fed every day for four consecutive months. We implore kind and compassionate people to please help stop this persecution.

Dafa practitioner Huang Guifen detained in Group One of Brigade One at Masanjia had signed the "three documents" denouncing Dafa during forced brainwashing late last year. Recently in a class she stated that "re-education" is wrong. Afterwards she was stripped of her clothing and hung up with ropes by police chief Xue Feng. Her arm had been broken as a result of her beatings, and her present status is unknown.

Practitioner Chai Yan, detained in Group Four of Brigade One at Masanjia, had signed the "three documents" late last year under forced brainwashing. In a class she refused to answer questions that slandered Dafa, and was hung in a washroom by evil collaborators (former practitioners who have turned against Dafa under pressure) and policemen. In order to prevent her from falling asleep, collaborators used toothpicks to spread chili powder on her eyelids. She was beaten by a group of evil policemen afterwards, and her current situation is still unknown.

Practitioner Zhao Caihua, detained in Brigade One at the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp, didn't cooperate with evil officials, and was sent to a solitary cell in November of 2002. He was let out of the solitary cell after both his knees and his hands became swollen and inflamed due to the fact he only had a single layer of clothing to wear during the bitter cold. After he was hung up by policemen and brainwashed, he signed the "three documents" renouncing his belief, against his will. Because he later refused to listen to the evil's defamations against Dafa, he was tortured for 12 hours and was sent to a hospital when he began bleeding from the mouth. After his release from the hospital, they still chained him to the heat radiators.