(Clearwisdom.net) August 9-10 is an annual Mountain Festival in three cities near Seattle. The three cities are located among mountains, 30 miles from Seattle. The environment is peaceful and pleasant. People living there are simple and kind. Every year this time, they hold various activities such as a parade and rally to celebrate the festival. This year, Dafa practitioners joined the local people and added fun and happiness to the celebration. They demonstrated the Falun Dafa exercises and performed dances in Tang Dynasty costumes to show the audience the long and beautiful traditional Chinese culture and the peacefulness and goodness of Falun Dafa.

During the parade, the host announced to the crowd that Falun Dafa is an ancient Chinese cultivation method for improving physical and mental health. He also expressed his excitement, "Watching your performance, I feel quite happy." Some people had their photos taken with us before the parade began, and told us that they felt we were beautiful. We also handed out many Dafa truth-clarification materials.
We realized that it is very important that Dafa practitioners participate in various activities in the community, involving the introduction of Falun Dafa and offering salvation to people in the exchange of Western and Chinese culture. It is also a good way to enable the Western people to get to know Falun Dafa and the persecution going on in China. The sponsor issued us the first prize award, and expressed their support and encouragement.