City of San Fernando
Falun Dafa Month
August, 2003
Whereas, Falun Dafa is an advanced exercise and meditation practice system of mind and body based on ancient wisdom; and
Whereas, Lieutenant Governor Cruz Bustamante has proclaimed August as Falun Dafa Month in California; and
Whereas, Falun Dafa is practiced in over sixty countries by about 100 million people in Asia, Africa, Australia, Europe, North America and South America; and
Whereas, Falun Dafa has helped people around the world improve their health, calm their minds and deepen their understanding of life and humanity, as well as turn away from drugs, alcohol, violence and other bad habits towards a more harmonious life; and
Whereas, Keran Feng, Ph.D., Coordinator of the "Los Angeles County Falun Dafa Week", has invited the City of San Fernando to celebrate in the Falun Dafa Week (August 9-16).
Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved, that the residents of the City of San Fernando be informed of the opportunity to learn about Falun Dafa's simple exercises and teachings of truthfulness, compassion and tolerance on August 16, 2003 at the Los Angeles Public Library, Echo Park Branch, and that Mr. Li Hongzhi be invited to share his teaching and exercises in San Fernando in the near future.
Mayor Pro Tem Maribel De La Torre
August 15, 2003