(Clearwisdom.net) Minghui School's Vancouver Campus opened on July 5, 2003. Its focus is "Falun Dafa" and "Truthfulness Compassion Tolerance", and the students are able to learn and practice the five sets of Falun Gong exercises. The establishment of the Minghui School provides young practitioners with an environment to study the Fa, practice exercises and cultivate their xinxing (heart or mind nature, moral character).

There are a lot of young practitioners in the Greater Vancouver area. The practitioners had the thought of opening a Minghui School for a long time. Before the summer, some practitioners repeated a long-held desire to open a local Minghui School. The parents were very supportive because the young practitioners need an environment to cultivate and progress together.
The practitioners responsible for teaching in the school prepared the materials. The courses include reading Zhuan Falun, Hong Yin, practicing the five sets of exercises, art, crafts, and other subjects. With the help and support of the practitioners, the Minghui School opened.
During the summer, the school opens five days a week on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. After regular school starts, the Minghui School will open on Saturday and Sunday. Over the summer, sometimes there were over twenty students, usually more than ten. The youngest is less than 3 years old, the oldest 13 years old. After one month, the children have read Zhuan Falun twice and Hong Yin many times. The obvious progress of the children led the family members who don't practice Falun Dafa to support the school. Every week, these young practitioners are making great progress. When they play games, they learn to use "Truthfulness Compassion Tolerance" to conduct themselves and to think of others first. The older children especially take care to look after the younger kids. They are very good about sharing everything with each other. When they attend the group activities, the progress after taking the classes was quite obvious. The kids were quick to look within whenever there was a problem.
The parents felt very happy after seeing the kids' progress. Over the summer, the children attended several activities to introduce Dafa. The peacefulness and serenity that appeared among the children made them the focus of the activities. Minghui School is not only an environment for them to study the Fa and cultivate, it is also a good opportunity for them to participate in Fa-rectification and validate the Fa in their own way.
The summer has now passed. After two months, we hope that the young practitioners will take the principles of "Truthfulness Compassion Tolerance" to their normal schools to improve the environment around them, starting with themselves. This will help their family members and classmates alike. They can also clarify the truth and promote the Fa with their words and behavior.
Category: April 25 Events