(Clearwisdom.net) September 9th report: During the Agriculture and Food Fair held on August 15-21, 2003, some Dafa practitioners in Changchun went to the exposition hall to clarify the truth about Falun Gong. This is the second time that Changchun Dafa practitioners worked together as a whole body to clarify the truth at the Agriculture and Food Fair since last year. The difference between the two years is that the practitioners distributed Dafa truth-clarifying flyers last year, and they gave out truth-clarifying VCD's this year.

Caption: 1-3, Dafa practitioners handing out Dafa truth-clarifying VCDs (the red circle in the photos; we have blurred the photos because of security concerns.)
As many Dafa practitioners participated in distributing Dafa materials last year to clarify the truth about Falun Gong, at the Agriculture and Food Fair this year, police cars could be seen everywhere, and police officers were on duty at the entrance. Inside the exposition hall, five or six police officers patrolled as a group, and five or six armed policemen formed another group to patrol the entire exposition hall. Administrators in charge of markets could also be seen everywhere.
With the protection of Master and Dafa practitioners' righteous thoughts, (many Dafa practitioners sent forth righteous thoughts at home to support this activity) practitioners used their wisdom given to them by Dafa, as well as the compassion and courage cultivated in Dafa, avoiding and eliminating evil elements in other dimensions. Sometimes they distributed VCDs at fixed places, other times they distributed them while walking among visitors. Within one hour, about 500 VCDs were given out. The contents of the VCDs included: Witness, Conspiracy, Eight Crimes of Jiang, and Self-immolation or Deception. All these VCDs were given to those people who have been waiting to learn the truth for a long time. Only a few people refused to take them.
Many people stretched out their hands to ask for VCDs. When some of them learned that the VCDs were about the truth of Falun Gong, they asked for one more from the practitioners. Some kept saying "Thank You." Some were clever enough to know it was about the truth of Falun Gong without asking. When they got the VCDs, they immediately asked, "Is it the new version?" "Can it be played?" Some even said, "If they are about Falun Gong, please give me some more, I'll help you distribute them." We expressed our thanks for their understanding and support, but we did not give them many VCDs, because practitioners created these VCDs at their own expense, and the numbers were limited. So we only gave them two copies.
A practitioner who was just released from six months in a labor camp after writing something against his will, saw police cars everywhere, police officers and armed policemen patrolling the exposition hall, and he was a bit afraid. With encouragement from other practitioners, he soon calmed down and freely distributed VCDs to people.
In addition, some Dafa practitioners distributed Dafa truth-clarifying VCDs and materials on the streets and put up Dafa truth-clarifying signs. (Please see the following photos)
The Agriculture and Food Fair is really a grand occasion. Many people had an opportunity to learn the truth about Falun Dafa. The Dafa practitioners hope that people who received the VCDs and other materials can be free from Jiang regime's poisonous deceit. They also hope that Falun Dafa will be deeply rooted in the hearts of more and more people, letting the brilliance of the universal principle "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" clean up all the dark haze and dirt, and save more sentient beings.