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California: "Falun Dafa Week" Celebration in Alameda County (Photos)

September 25, 2003 |  

(Clearwisdom.net, September 23, 2003) The week of September 14-20 was declared as "Falun Dafa Week" in Alameda County. Friday, September 19th was a special day, with clear and blue skies. Joy filled the Civil Square of Oakland.

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Mayor Bukowski issues proclamation Mayor Bukowski making a speech
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Photo Exhibit Dance Performance

Early in the morning, Falun Gong practitioners set up truth-clarification display boards in a row for passersby, and practitioners who were to give dance performances were dressed up and waiting. The people who received Dafa flyers happily said, "Thank you!"

At noon, the celebration of "Falun Dafa Week" in Alameda County began with a beautiful dance to the music, "Walk between Heaven and Earth".

Mayor Ken Bukowski of Emeryville came to the celebration and issued a proclamation to Falun Dafa practitioners in person. He said that when he learned what is happening in China, he thought he should support Falun Gong. Although he was busy with many things, he felt this was a very important activity what he should attend, and that other officials should also attend. Congresswoman Barbara Lee also issued a proclamation for "Falun Dafa Week".

People were fascinated by the beautiful Dafa music and stopped to watch practitioners' dance and exercise demonstration. They kept saying, "How beautiful!" Upon learning the facts of the persecution, one of them shook hands with a practitioner and said, "I will support you anytime."