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Only Faith in Dafa Can Eliminate All Evil Arrangements

February 19, 2004 |   By Li Zi -- A Dafa Practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) Since July 20, 1999, I seldom wrote about my own experiences during cultivation. Even this time, I had to overcome many obstacles before I was able to finish writing this article. Its purpose is to help Dafa practitioners, encourage and motivate each other and improve together.

In mid-November, our local police station illegally arrested many Dafa practitioners one night. They broke the windows and doors, and forced their way into practitioners' homes. Everything was rummaged through and turned upside-down, and even the wooden floors were dug up. This time they searched very carefully, and they took away all Dafa books and materials, and videotaped "evidence" forcefully. Vehicles broadcasting slanderous attacks on Dafa scurried in the streets. I heard later that Dafa disciples had put up Dafa banners in local government buildings, in public security department and police stations, and the leaders of the local government also saw the banners. This had greatly frightened the evil. They tried to force practitioners to write guarantee statements [to renounce Falun Gong]. Anyone who refused to do so was arrested.

The police took action together and searched for me continuously for three days at my home and my work place, but they did not find me. On the fourth night, I did not stay at home, but I could not fall asleep. I thought, "Am I hiding away from the evil? Becoming homeless is an excuse for the old forces to persecute Dafa practitioners; they would blame us for abandoning our family as a result of practicing Dafa. Dafa disciples should first think about what kind of effect our actions might have on Dafa, no matter what we do. We should walk on the path that Master has arranged for us."

After I understood the situation from the perspective of the Fa, I went back home on the morning of the fifth day, and went to work openly in a dignified manner. At about 8:30 in the morning, four policemen followed me to my work place. I would not cooperate with the evil, and kept sending forth righteous thoughts to eliminate all the evil arrangements. After about 10 minutes, they showed their real face, and started to grab me and drag me to the police car. I resisted and refused to get into their vehicle.

People at the scene all got very angry with the police. Some directly reasoned with the police, and some said, "Why is it that good people are not allowed to speak out? What kind of society is this?" I thought to myself, "Isn't this a good way to reveal their evil nature? The righteous and the wicked are very obvious to common people." They took both my husband (who is not a practitioner) and me to the police station. Because of all the dragging and grabbing, I could barely catch my breath. A policeman said, "She has heart problems. We mustn't be too rough." (I was sentenced to three years of forced labor in May 2002. But the labor camp refused to accept me and sent me back in September 2002 because of my "heart problems," for fear of having to take responsibility should I die as a result of their handling. I spoke loudly, "You will be held responsible if anything happens to me today." Then I kept silent and sent forth righteous thoughts from my heart.

The evil used all kinds of tricks to get me to sign my name, but I refused. Then they tried to move me with sentiment by asking my husband and my mother to persuade me, "You can go home as long as you sign the paper." I said, "I don't have a name! A Dafa disciple's name can't be insulted by anybody." The police said, "The higher authorities specifically demanded that you must sign a letter of guarantee. We have to follow orders. If we can not finish this task, we will lose our job." I said to them, "In history, all the movements aimed at persecuting kind people ended up with failure. And those who were directly responsible for the movements were tried by history. You should not follow the higher authorities and take a wrong path." I went on to tell them, "No matter what you decide to do today, I won't form any opinions about you, but your attitude towards me, good or bad, won't change my mind. I came back from three years of forced labor last time. I will still be able to go back home this time and do what I should do."

Then they started to prepare paperwork for my detention, which only needed the signature of the police department head to become effective. Tears ran out of my eyes. I deeply felt the difficulties of Dafa disciples during Fa-Rectification. I said to Master, "What else could I do to oppose the evil and to break the arrangements of the old forces? How could I completely eliminate this persecution?" I immediately remembered what Master said, "Having heard the Dao in the morning, one can die in the evening" and understood its deep meaning. In front of my eyes, there appeared the word "faith." I felt determined and I decided to leave the matter of life and death with Master. I only held a firm faith in the Fa.

At noon, only one policeman was left to keep an eye on me. I thought at that moment that it was time for me to leave. Thus, I walked out of the police station openly and with that policeman being present. Later I heard that the police asked somebody else to sign for me in order to keep their jobs. Now I can go to work as normal and clarify the truth to save sentient beings again. Lately, a few other practitioners have also been released.

The reason the old forces were able to take advantage of my omissions in this incident was because I did not have a good understanding of what Master said about completely opposing the participation of the old forces and putting an end to this persecution. I did not send forth righteous thoughts in depth and thoroughly and therefore allowed the evil to have time to recover. From now on I will follow the Fa principles Master has taught us and keep up with the progress of Fa-Rectification.
