(Clearwisdom.net) On February 2 2004, the Finnish Falun Dafa Association held a press conference at the Finlandia House in Helsinki in order to raise awareness about the international lawsuits that have been launched against the persecutors of Falun Gong. The Association also announced that it will take legal action immediately if any person responsible for the persecution of Falun Gong visits Finland.
Exercise demonstration
At the beginning of the press conference practitioners demonstrated Falun
Gong's exercises and explained more specifically about the principles of Falun
Dafa and the positive health benefits that practitioners have received.
The guests in the conference included Australian artist and Falun Gong
practitioner Ms. Zhang Cuiying, who is internationally renowned for her
traditional Chinese paintings. She has held exhibitions successfully in over 40
countries. Her artwork takes great influence from the principles of Falun Dafa:
Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance. The paintings were hanging on the walls
of the conference room catching the eyes of the reporters. Photographers from
the press enthusiastically took photos of her beautiful artwork.
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Dafa practitioner Zhang Cuiying | Lawyer Mr. Erkki Kannisto |
Ms. Zhang was imprisoned illegally in China in 2000 when she went there to
say a few words for justice on behalf of the persecuted Falun Gong
practitioners. She told the media about her tough experience in a Chinese jail,
where she was tortured in different evil ways and was even thrown into the male
criminals' cell. This is one clear example of Jiang's persecution, which is
recognized as Genocide by international laws. Ms. Zhang also talked about her
involvement in a lawsuit in the United Nations against Jiang Zemin and about her
future plans to help bring Jiang to justice for persecuting Falun Gong. She is
also one of the plaintiffs in the case that was filed in Finland against the 610
Office head Luo Gan, who is one of the main responsible persons in the gross
human rights violations in China. This was one of four lawsuits filed against
Luo Gan during his visit to Europe, exposing his crimes in persecuting Falun
Another press conference speaker was human rights lawyer Mr. Erkki Kannisto who
submitted the case against Luo Gan in Helsinki last autumn. Luo Gan was accused
of torture and carrying out and inciting Genocide. Mr. Kannisto described the
terrible situation in the Chinese brainwashing camps, which are called
"re-education camps" by the Chinese Government. He clarified how all
kinds of vicious psychological measures and cruel torture are being used in this
place, to force people to turn against their own conscience. Falun Gong
practitioners are brainwashed 24 hours a day and they are forced to do hard
exhausting labour for long days, sometimes almost 20 hours. Sleep deprivation is
also a very common torture method. Mr. Kannisto emphasized the meaning of the
international lawsuits which are clearly indicating that more and more people
outside of China are concerned about the persecution of Falun Gong and they are
willing to support the lawsuits against Jiang Zemin and his cohorts in order to
improve human rights in China.
Lawsuits against Jiang Zemin and his followers have been filed in United States,
Spain, Belgium, Island, France, Germany, Armenia, Moldova, Finland, South-Korea,
Taiwan and Cyprus. Similar actions are also being prepared in several other
Being prepared for future legal action is a good idea because so much evidence
can be found about the persecution of Falun Gong. The network of international
human rights lawyers is also getting tighter and larger, leaving less space for
the persecutors. At the end of the press conference, Falun Dafa practitioners in
Finland announced that once anyone who is responsible for the persecution of
Falun Gong arrives in Finland, legal action will be taken immediately against
Source: http://clearharmony.net/articles/200402/17619.html
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Category: Karma & Virtue