Two Falun Dafa Practitioners Have Been Tortured to Death; More Information Is Sought to Verify The Details

( When I went to Beijing to appeal in November of 1999, I met an elderly lady accompanied by her two sons and a daughter, also on their way to appeal. I asked her how old she was, and she replied that she was 67. She said, "I was in very poor health once, but after practicing Falun Dafa, all my illnesses disappeared. My son also had illnesses, and we spent lots of money in hospitals to make him better, to no avail. After he started practicing Falun Dafa, his illnesses were cured. It was Dafa that gave us new life, so I feel obliged to speak fairly of it, to let the government leaders know about all of its benefits.

Supplemental Information on the Death of Ms. Tang Meijun at the Chongqing City Women's Labor Camp

( Tang Meijun was 49 and worked at the Chongqing Railroad Bureau. After the persecution of Falun Gong began in July 1999, she went to Beijing twice to appeal for Falun Gong. As a result, her home was ransacked several times, and she was arrested on many occasions. Twice she was sent to forced labor camps. On December 30, 2003, she died as a result of torture at the Chongqing City Women's Labor Camp.

Additional Details Regarding the Death of Dafa practitioner Mr. Shang Shuichi from Yuzhou City, Henan Province

( Dafa practitioner Mr. Shang Shuichi was a 49-year-old physical education teacher in Wuliang Middle School in Wuliang Town of Yuzhou City. After he began practicing Falun Gong in 1997, all of his illnesses disappeared. He also learned the principles for being a good person, and he was highly praised by the teachers and students at his school.

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