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Summary of Other Articles and News - April 2, 2004

April 16, 2004 |  


Persecution Facts

Dafa practitioner Mr. Yang Zhixiong was detained in Shijiazhuang City for eight months. The Shijiazhuang City Intermediate People's Court recently sentenced him to four years in prison. He is currently being held at room 212 in the No. 2 Shijiazhuang Detention Center.

Dafa practitioner Yin Guihua from Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province was detained and tortured because of her belief in Truth-Compassion-Tolerance. The perpetrators tortured her with ropes, shocked her private parts with electric batons, stuck iron nails into her body and beat her with wooden sticks until the sticks broke into several pieces. On July 4, 2002, authorities sentenced her to three years of forced labor. She is detained at the Hehuakeng Labor Camp in Tangshan City, Hebei Province, where the inmates beat her until her face was covered in blood. They forced her to sit for 15 to 16 hours each day, which caused her legs to go numb and her calf muscles to atrophy. She passed out several times. Later, she was transferred to the "strike hard" team for further persecution.

The "Sanshui Legal Training Class" in Guangdong Province is in fact a brainwashing center. The guards here use various means to persecute Dafa practitioners. For example, they rummaged through the practitioners' belongings and extorted a so-called "reform fee." They force the practitioners to watch and listen to Dafa-slandering propaganda and tried to force them to write a "guarantee statement." They forbid the practitioners to sleep for long periods of time. Once, they rammed the head of practitioner Ms. Ye Hongfang into a wall. This resulted in a skull fracture and caused such a drastic decline in her eyesight that she became nearly blind.

My name is Su Yanhua. I am a Dafa practitioner from Jiamusi City. On April 15, 2002, officers from the local police department arrested me and on April 27 sent me to the Jiamusi Labor Camp. I held a hunger strike to protest the persecution. They force-fed me and handcuffed me for seven days. The guards beat me with police batons until my legs became swollen and I could not lift my feet. I could only drag my feet on the ground. The guards slapped my face so hard that I was deaf for a long time and heard ringing in my ears. They tortured me with a method called "Hung up with hands cuffed behind the back" (1) until I vomited blood. When I was arrested, persons from the local police station told me I was sentenced to two years in prison. Now they are saying it's three years. I am still being held at the Jiamusi Labor Camp and am extremely weak.

(1) "Hung up with hands cuffed behind the back": In this torture, with both hands cuffed behind the back, both feet off or only toes touching the ground, one is hung onto the basketball support or house beam with the handcuffs. Both hands and arms will soon lose sensory perception. In addition, both hands will go numb from lack of blood circulation.