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Clarifying the Truth at a School's Parents' Evening

April 08, 2004 |   By a European Dafa Practitioner


My daughter is a second-year student in a secondary school. She is a little Dafa practitioner and a good student. Ever since my daughter started secondary education, I have wanted to let all of her new teachers know the truth about Falun Dafa by speaking to them at the school's Parents' Evening, in which the teachers of all subjects meet the parents individually. Unexpectedly, there was no opportunity to attend the school's Parents' Evening because my daughter's academic performance was very good.

In my daughter's first year I proposed to attend the meeting but my husband and daughter were against it. My husband (who does not practice Falun Gong) said, "Our daughter performs very well at school, so you don't have to attend the Parents' Evening. If you are still determined to go, other parents will say, 'Apparently their child performs very well at school, but they still come to the meeting. They just come here to mess things up, obviously the purpose is to hear the teachers praise their child.'"

The reason why my daughter showed disapproval of my attending the Parents' Evening was that she really had no problem with her studies. Besides, the teachers had a tight schedule so each parent was given only fifteen minutes to talk to each teacher. My daughter wanted me to think of others first and let the other parents have the appointments. My daughter's suggestion sounded quite reasonable. Additionally, there might be another chance to attend the Parents' Evening in the future. So, I changed my mind.

Time waits for no one. One year passed quickly. Sensing the fleeting time, this time I was determined to convince my husband and daughter that I should attend the Parents' Evening to give the teacher's an opportunity to learn and understand about Falun Gong. My husband does not disapprove of my practicing Falun Gong, nor does he disapprove of my participating in activities to expose the persecution. However, he does not agree I should freely explain the facts to any person I encounter. He thinks that this is imposing something on others and he found it impossible to accept. Therefore, I usually did not do it this way in his presence. But this time I told my husband, "According to Chinese tradition, teachers are highly honored. Thanks to the teachers' help, our daughter performs well at school. Out of politeness, we should pay a visit to the teachers to express our appreciation." Finally my husband was persuaded.

My daughter is a little Dafa practitioner. When I asked her to help her teachers learn more about Falun Dafa, she came to realize the importance. Thus I made an appointment with the teachers of all subjects, arranging a specific time for the Parents' Evening.

Several days later, my daughter came back from school, saying that only the mathematics teacher agreed to meet me while the other teachers thought that there was neither time nor need to talk to me. In my mind I was thinking about using every possible opportunity to tell each individual teacher about Falun Dafa. The math teacher happened to arrange our meeting earlier; so I could wait at the doors of the other teachers for an opportunity to meet them.

It seemed that every teacher's schedule was tightly arranged, but in fact many of the parents did not need fifteen minutes; five or six minutes were enough. Some of the parents had to meet the teachers of several subjects and they were sometimes delayed. Therefore, many teachers had a bit of spare time and were kept waiting at their doors for the parents' arrival. It seemed as if the spare time was arranged for me. Effortlessly, I found the opportunity to talk about about the situation of Falun Dafa and how it related to my family to the teachers of every subject. The precious Parents' Evening came smoothly to an end and I had managed to let many teachers know the facts about Dafa.

Source: http://clearharmony.net/articles/200404/18842.html