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Summary of Other Articles and News - June 11, 2004

June 20, 2004 |  


Persecution Facts

On May 26, 2004, police officers abducted 14 Dafa practitioners in Yilan County, Heilongjiang Province. Currently, these practitioners are being held at the No. 2 Detention Center in Yilan County. The police officers torture and beat the practitioners. Three practitioners had been on a hunger strike for five days. The police department is planning to send five practitioners including Li Shoutian, Sun Peichen, Tan Fenghua to a forced labor camp; the other nine practitioners will be sent to a brainwashing center after 15 days of detention.

On the morning of May 31, labor camp guards Wang Xiurong and Li Yongbo took seven Dafa practitioners including Tong Li, Zhang Yufang, Fei Jinrong, Deng Chunxia, Wang Yingxia, and Wang Yuhong upstairs and beat them. The guards even force practitioners who have been tortured to disability to work. They also put the practitioners under strict control for seven days, forcing them to sit on narrow stools. They shocked the practitioners with electric batons, tortured them with a method called "Hanging up with hands cuffed behind the back" (1), and in addition incited the criminal inmates to verbally abuse and beat the practitioners.

On April 13, 2004, Yang Yuliang from the Hedong Police Station in Shijiazhuang City led a group of vicious policemen in the arrest of six Dafa practitioners - Huang Wei, Qiu Liying, Miao Jiantao, Zhen Hai, Xing Lihong and Zhuo Guibin. These six practitioners were held at a detention center for over 30 days. Then they were transferred to the Hedong Police Station. On June 4, the police deceived Huang Wei, Miao Jiantao, Qiu Liying and Zhuo Guibin into going to a hospital for a "physical examination," but this was actually in an attempt to send them to a forced labor camp. Qiu Liying held a hunger strike and was twice on the brink of death. She did not pass the labor camp's physical entrance exam, so she was sent home.

Dafa practitioner Zhuang Wenshu from Shenzhen City was a graduate student and is currently being held at Section 15 of the Sihui Prison in Guangdong Province. Because he refused to cooperate, the guards tortured him in front of everyone. They called a meeting, during which they cuffed Zhuang Wenshu's hands and feet to a metal chair and ordered him to kneel on the ground. Zhuang Wenshu refused and was beaten.

Elderly Dafa practitioner Lin Youhui from Jieyang City, Guangdong Province recovered from tuberculosis, heart disease and numerous other diseases after he practiced Falun Dafa. Since Jiang's group began persecuting Falun Dafa, however, local police often harassed him and ransacked his home. In the fall of 2001, they arrested him and took him to the Jiedong Detention Center where he was tortured until he vomited blood. In September 2003 he was abducted and sent to a brainwashing center. In the months after he was released from the brainwashing center, all of his old illnesses returned. He passed away on April 3, 2004.

Dafa practitioner Gao Yuxiang from Qiuguanzhuang, Qiaoguan Township, Changle County, Shandong Province was sentenced to four years in prison in 2001 for making truth-clarification materials. He is currently incarcerated at Weibei Prison. In November 2001, authorities from the Changle County Police Department took him to a room to secretly interrogate and torture him. They tied his thumbs together with a nylon rope, then they hung him up on a heating pipe until he lost consciousness. The practitioner had a pained look on his face and had difficulty breathing. He collapsed to the floor and his thumbs and hands were numb for a long time.

Several Dafa practitioners and teachers in Changle County, Shandong Province suffered persecution. Zhou Guoling went to Beijing to appeal twice and was unlawfully detained. Her salary was withheld and she was given only 280 Yuan a month (2). The second time, she was sent to Weifang City's Mental Hospital where she was injected with nerve-damaging drugs. Practitioner and teacher Hu Jinmei was sentenced to one year in prison in 2002 and was given only 280 Yuan a month. Practitioner Qin Yuze and his wife were compelled to leave home to avoid further persecution and have not been able to return for four years. Practitioners Yu Ensan, Wang Shengqiang, Yu Meixia, Zhang Juwu and others were illegally sent to forced labor camps, detention centers or brainwashing centers. Practitioner Li Peicai and his wife were detained and tortured, and they were fined 6,000 Yuan.

My name is Zhou Zhijun from Yunmachang, Guizhou Province. In the past five years, the police ransacked my home numerous times; they detained me twice and sent me to forced labor on two occasions. In June 2003, I was sent to the Guizhou Female Forced Labor Camp for a three-year term. I persisted in my belief in Falun Dafa even after suffering excruciating tortures. Later it was discovered that I had a large amount of fluid in my thorax, so the guards allowed me to be released on medical parole. My family took me home on May 1.

Other News from China

My name is Wang Shuzhen, I am 84 years old and I live in Huangdigou in Fushun City. In 2001, I went to get a medical exam at the City Mine Bureau Hospital. The doctor told my daughter, "She is really sick! You should go home and prepare for her funeral." My eldest daughter also practices Falun Dafa and told me to remember Dafa. I said in my heart "Falun Dafa is good" whenever I had time. Two months later I felt a warmth in my stomach and wanted to vomit. I threw up a black substance and later vomited red fluid resembling blood. I vomited copiously. My son was by my side. He called his sisters and said, "Mother is dying! Come quick!" I lost consciousness for more than one hour and then slowly came to. I was taken to a cancer hospital and had a test done. The doctor said, "She is perfectly healthy. There is no tumor in her stomach!" I felt great. I cannot express with words the wonders Falun Dafa has shown me. I have benefit physically and mentally from Falun Dafa, and I cannot even begin to thank Master Li for all he has done for me. All my neighbors say that Falun Dafa is great and has miraculous power.

Persecutors and their crimes

At noon on July 26, 2002, officer Guo Wanru from the Wuolong District Police Precinct in Nanyang City, Henan Province led several vicious police and broke into the home of Dafa practitioner Zhao Qin in Nanyang City. They not only took all the Dafa books, they also took all of Zhao Qin family's lifetime savings, totaling 125,000 Yuan. Zhao Qin's two children and his elderly mother now don't even have money to buy food, having been forced into destitution.

(1) "Hanging up with hands cuffed behind the back": With both hands cuffed behind the back, both feet off or only toes touching the ground, one is hung onto the basketball support or house beam with the handcuffs. Both hands and arms will soon lose sensory perception. In addition, both hands will atrophy from lack of blood circulation.

(2) Yuan is the unit of currency in China, where the average monthly salary of an urban worker is 500 Yuan.