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Practitioners from Europe and the Asia Pacific Region Appeal for an End to the Persecution in front of Austria's Chinese Embassy (Photos)

June 20, 2004 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Falun Dafa practitioners from Europe and the Asia Pacific region gathered in front of Austria's Chinese Embassy to commemorate the hundreds of innocent people killed because they practise Falun Gong, a peaceful exercise and meditation practice based on Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance. They demonstrated the five sets of Falun Gong exercises and displayed many banners to let people learn more about their appeal and their call for the chief instigator of this persecution, Jiang Zemin, to be brought to justice in the courts of law, morality and conscience.

Practitioners appealed for an immediate end to the brutal campaign of genocide that has been waged against Falun Gong for the last five years. During these five years of torture, murder, rape, forced abortion and countless other horrific human rights abuses against those who practise Falun Gong, there have never been reports of a single case of retaliation. The peaceful actions of the practitioners in Austria reflected the heroic forbearance of their fellow practitioners in China and attracted the attention of many passersby, who pulled up in their cars. Even people in nearby houses came to ask for a flyer.

A letter was read in both German and Chinese, calling on the Embassy staff to see through Jiang's veil of deceit and join voices all over the world calling for an end to this persecution. Although the Embassy's doors remained firmly closed and even the letterbox was sealed shut to stop the letter being posted through, the practitioners hoped that their heartfelt voice could break through the lies that have poisoned the Chinese Embassy staff and that compassion can arouse their sense of justice.
