(Clearwidom.net) Clearwisdom Correspondent Wang Jiangfei reports: From July 30 to August 1, 2004, International Children's Games was held in Cleveland, Ohio, USA. Nearly a hundred Falun Gong practitioners from Taiwan, Canada, Ohio of the US, New York, Chicago and Washington gathered in Cleveland, to display Falun Gong exercises and wonderful arts performances that Falun Gong practitioners created to tourists from around the world.
![]() Welcome Chinese Team |
| ![]() Greet athletes from different countries |
| ![]() Young practitioners are practicing the exercises |
During the activities in these days, practitioners kept demonstrating exercises and performed arts performances at intervals under scorching sun. Practitioners' singing and dancing attracted many people in the square. Flute Solo "Pu Du," and "Sit by My Side" led the audience enter a holy and pure realm. Chorus "Coming for you" and "Being Saved" brought compassion and peacefulness to the audience. Four young practitioners from Canada's Lotus Arts Troupe performed Dai Nationality Dance and Fan Dance, and gained the audience' high praise and applause.
![]() Explaining the facts about Falun Gong |
| ![]() A little practitioner hands out a flyer to a passerby |
| ![]() Group practice of the exercises |
![]() Falun Gong practitioners' dancing |
| ![]() Falun Gong booth |
| ![]() Minghui School Students have a photo taken with police officers |
At Public Square, Justice Center Square and in front of Federal Building, practitioners displayed photos to introduce to people about the wide spread of Falun Dafa around the world, the facts of persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China and Falun Gong practitioners' peaceful and rational journey resisting the persecution over the past five years.
Tourists passing by the squares were touched by such a peaceful and harmonious scene. People requested Falun Gong truth clarification information and materials, some people learned to practice the exercise on the spot. A woman from Los Angeles came on two consecutive days to watch performances and expressed thanks to Falun Gong practitioners. A local man heard about Jiang's Group's persecution of Falun Gong, he was very angry and expressed, "Such a beautiful thing is even subjected to persecution, it's incredible. The chief perpetrator of the persecution must be put on trial."
During the athletic event, many countries' embassies in the US held a variety of cultural exchange activities. Falun Gong practitioners explained the facts about the persecution of Falun Gong to the booths of South Africa, Ireland, Japan, India and Italy, people who heard the truth all condemned the persecution. A human rights group from a university learned about the truth and took the initiative to send the message about the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners to more people through their Internet site, seeking help from more kind people.
Through Falun Gong practitioners' truth clarification efforts over the past several years, more and more western people have been familiar with Falun Dafa. When Falun Gong practitioners who wore bright yellow T-shirts with the words, "Falun Dafa," "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance" and "Stop Persecuting Falun Gong" walked on the streets of Cleveland, many people greeted them and requested materials or asked for more about the truth. A photographer reporter from a local TV especially videotaped several Falun Gong practitioners in bright yellow T-shirts.
Washington DC Minghui School teachers and students especially came during their vacation to display the beauty of Falun Dafa to little friends from around the world who participated in the International Children's Games. They wanted to let athletes from China who are the same age as them witness the widespread of Falun Dafa in foreign countries.
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Category: Parades & Other Community Events