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Summary of Other Articles and News - August 29, 2004

September 15, 2004 |  


Facts of the Persecution

1. Brutalities at Jiutai Forced Labor Camp in Jiutai, Jilin Province

Since October 2003, Jiutai Forced Labor Camp in Jiutai, Jilin Province has been detaining determined Falun Gong practitioners beyond the sentenced terms. They will illegally detain Falun Gong practitioners on indefinite terms unless they sign the "Guarantee Statement" to renounce their belief in Falun Gong.

In October 2003, the camp policeman Mr. Wang Dawei kept beating up a Falun Gong practitioner named Mr. Wang Zhongfu until he shattered Wang Zhongfu's shoulder bones. At the end of 2003, the camp police ordered a prison inmate Mr. Chuai Baoyin to batter Mr. Zhang Jing'guang, a Falun Gong practitioner from Lianhua Township, Shulan County, and knocked out one of his front teeth. Then Chuai Baoyin subjected Zhang Jing'guang to the torture of punitive force-feeding and knocked out his other front tooth during the torture. On May 13, 2004, Jiutai Forced Labor Camp established an intensive torture group. They are known to keep each practitioner locked up in a small room where he is forced to sit on a board in an unnatural and painful posture completely still for an extended period of time. As a result of this type of torture, many practitioners' buttocks and ankles were damaged and festered.

2. Brutalities at Baoding Forced Labor Camp in Baoding, Hebei Province

Baoding Forced Labor Camp in Baoding, Hebei Province has been subjecting determined Falun Gong practitioners to intensive tortures since May 2004 to force them to renounce their belief in Falun Gong. They are known to take each determined Falun Gong practitioner to a secret torture chamber on the fourth floor of the camp for various atrocities. They typically deprive a Falun Gong practitioner of sleep first, and then they would beat her up, shock her with electric batons and force her to stand absolutely still for an extended period of time, driving him to exhaustion. They kept torturing Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Fan Zhijuan and Ms. Wu Guolan in the torture chamber and did not release them until they were on the brink of death. It is alleged that Ms. Fan Zhijuan had already passed away shortly after she was released. We need to verify whether Ms. Fan is still alive.