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Summary of Other Articles and News - December 21, 2004

January 02, 2005 |  


Facts of the Persecution

1) Daqing City

At around 4 p.m. on December 11, 2004, five Falun Dafa practitioners from Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province were arrested. They included Mr. Zhang Bin, Ms. Shi Jing, Ms. Yang, Mr. Li Yequan, and Ms. Yu Guixing. Fellow practitioners who have frequent contact with them should be very cautious, because the police are waiting at the 5-43 Building in Yinlang Village, where they live. Ms. Zhan Yinge and another woman practitioner who also works for the No.9 Factory were arrested. It has been reported that practitioners detained in the Daqing City Detention Center are on a group hunger strike. After Ms. Wang Xiuling from the Chuangye District was arrested, eight more practitioners were abducted in that district within a week. They are Ms. Zhang Shuyun, Ms. Li Zhenjiao, Ms. Han Naixiu, Ms. Hou Yayu, Ms. Zhao Hongying, and others. Their homes were also ransacked. Local police said that upper level authorities, such as the Daqing City 610 Office and the Honggang District Police Station, are directly involved in these arrests.


2) Ms. Ma Yanhua

Ms. Ma Yanhua, age 53, is a practitioner in Fuxin City, Liaoning Province. On April 1, 2002, the Fuxin City Political and Security Office arrested her for posting flyers and detained her in the Fuxin City Detention Center. She was sentenced to three years at the Masanjia Labor Camp, where she was inhumanly tortured. She became very weak, had blood in her urine, and had kidney stones. She was locked in solitary confinement for twenty-two days in September 2003, where she suffered from sleep deprivation and was only allowed to use the toilet every twelve hours, which caused her entire body to swell up. Because she firmly cultivated Falun Dafa and refused to be brainwashed, she has also been refused visitation rights. She has severe phlebitis, both feet are in extreme pain, and she needs help to walk. She has high blood pressure, but the authorities will still not release her. Police encouraged prisoners to beat her, and Zhang Lei, a guard from the Second Group of the Third Ward, hit her in the head with a book, which made her dizzy and caused her head to ache. Her term was extended one month, because she refused to give up her belief. We have heard that her sentence was extended for another year.


3) Laixi City practitioner denied family visits for three years

Ms. Zhu Lixin is a practitioner in Laixi City, Shandong Province. On February 25, 2002, local 610 Office personnel arrested her for distributing truth-clarifying materials while shopping. They also ransacked her home. She was sent to the Dashan Detention Center in Qingdao City the very next morning, detained for one month, and then sent directly to a brainwashing class located on Mingxia Street in Qingdao City. She was tortured there for six months. On October 1, 2002, without any legal proceedings, she was sentenced to three years at the Wangcun Second Women's Labor Camp, located in Zibo City, Shandong Province. It has been almost three years, and her family is still not allowed to visit her.


4) Retired doctor from the Nanliuzhen Hospital persecuted

Ms. Zhang Yuelan is a practitioner and a retired doctor from the Nanliuzhen Hospital located in Anqiu City, Shandong Province. Because she continued cultivating Falun Dafa and declared that Falun Dafa is good, she was abducted and her home ransacked. She was then detained, tortured, and forced to attend brainwashing sessions. The authorities also stopped her pension payments and sent her to a labor camp. After her release, she was forced to become destitute and homeless in order to avoid being illegally arrested at home. For four years Mr. Dong Xulun, an official from the Nanliuzhen Hospital, has suspended her pension benefits.
