(Clearwisdom.net) Wardens in the Jinzhou Forced Labor institute have
used a lot of torture methods to force Falun Dafa practitioners to renounce
their belief. They also tie a hard hat onto a practitioner's head for long
periods of time in an attempt to induce a mental collapse.
(Here are a few simple illustrative drawings.)

The Falun Gong practitioner is handcuffed to a heater pipe, deprived
of sleep for days and shocked with electric batons

By rewarding criminal inmates with
a reduced term, the wardens instigate them to beat Falun Gong

Wardens Ma Yong, Feng Zibing, Li
Songtao and Yang Tinglun used an "Iron chair and electric shock"
torture on practitioner Xiao Peng, causing him to become mentally

Criminal inmates are rewarded for
beating practitioners. This drawing shows the "kick heart"