(Clearwisdom.net) On November 24, 2004, policemen from the Taishanlu Police Station in the Fengman District of Jilin City abducted Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Li Shaopong and her mother-in-law Sun Liyan. On November 28, family members took Li Shaopong's four-year-old son and went to the station asking for their release. Three guards, headed by the director of the Taishanlu Police Station, beat up Li Shaopong's brother, sitting on him until he lost consciousness. The deputy director of the police station intended to give the family money in order to avoid trouble. The three guards, however, were reluctant to apologize, so the family members refused to accept the money and continued to follow this matter up with the relevant departments. Li Shaopong and her mother-in-law remain in detention.
On the afternoon of November 24, 2004, practitioner Li Shaopong, 28, and her mother-in-law Sun Yanli, 58, were at home peeling vegetables. Ji Shulin, deputy director of the Taishanlu Police Station, led four people to their house, arresting Ms. Li and her mother-in-law and ransacking their home. At the time, only Li Shaopong's 90-year-old grandmother was at home. She was so terrified that she was shaking. Xue Bowen, Li Shaopong's four-year-old son, cried out for his mother and grandma when he came home and didn't find them.
On November 28, Li Shaopong's mother and brother took little Bowen to the Taishanlu Police Station to ask for the release of the boy's mother. They asked Guo Min, the chief of the Taishanlu Police Station, why he had abducted Li Shaopong and where she was being held. Guo Min said that she was arrested for practicing Falun Gong. Li Shaopong's mother asked him where she practiced Falun Gong and who saw her. Guo Min retorted, "Look at how you talk. Watch your attitude when you talk to me!" Hearing Guo Min talk to his mother so disrespectfully, Li Shaopong's brother asked, "And what should your attitude be?" Guo Min became enraged and loudly told him to leave, grabbing his neck and collar to push him out.
Then three guards came and took Li Shaopong's brother to another room. One of the guards sat on him, clamping his head tightly between his thighs while the other two guards pulled his arms back and kicked his lower back. Then they handcuffed him and called the Dachangdun Policeman Station to take him away. While he was fighting to get rid of the handcuffs and trying to reason with them, the guards tore his leather jacket to pieces.
Later, because Li Shaopong's brother had a weak heart, he began to shake and passed out after being beaten severely. The guards got off him quickly. When Li Shaopong's brother discovered that his jacket was torn to pieces, he asked for compensation. But one of the guards responded, "This is the evidence of your troubling the police station." An older policeman came over and asked, "How much did your jacket cost? My jacket is worth over 500 yuan. You can take it." Li Shaopong's mother said, "No," and asked the guard who tore the jacket to compensate him for it. Then, Deputy Director Ji Shulin came in and said to Li Shaopong's brother, "You said that you have worn this leather jacket for two years and it cost you 300 yuan. I will give you 300 yuan." He took 300 yuan out of his pocket and gave it to Li Shaopong's brother. Li Shaopong's brother also asked that the three guards who tore his jacket compensate him and apologize to him. Ji Shulin said that he was apologizing on behalf of the director and the three guards and gave the 300 yuan to Li Shaopong's brother. Except for those three malicious guards, everyone else in the police station apologized to Li Shaopong's brother, saying repeatedly, "Don't make this any bigger. Don't make this any bigger." Not long after, the three guards quietly disappeared. Ji Shulin gave them another 10 yuan to take a taxi home. He saw them off and said to Little Bowen, "Your mom will be back in a few days. The chief of the police department has to sign first."

Li Shaopong's four-year-old son, Xue Bowen
Li Shaopong's son is just over four years old. He was crying the whole morning at the Taishanlu Police Station, shouting, "I want my mom. I want my granny. My mom is a good person and a Falun Dafa practitioner. Why did you abduct her?" When he and his grandma heard that his uncle had been beaten up, he began to cry and shouted, "I want my uncle. I want my uncle." Later on, little Bowen even asked the guards, "Can you live without your mother?" After he got home, little Bowen remembered the chief's name (Guo Min) and a guard's name (Cui Xiaolin) and told other family members.
The taxi driver became extremely angry when he heard what had happened to the three of them in the police station. He talked about how, against his conscience, he once gave in to the chief of a police station when the chief used his power to abuse him. He told Li Shaopong's brother to get the torn jacket back and to sue them. So the three family members went back to the police station to ask for the jacket and to give the money back. The elder guard (Ren) said that it had already been sold. Later, Li Shaopong's brother found the torn jacket nearby in a garbage bin. He notified Ren that he would return the 300 yuan to him.
Li Shaopong's brother consulted a lawyer, who told him to go to the office in charge of handling charges brought against guards that violate discipline regulations in the Fengman Branch Police Department in Jilin City. He and his wife went there the next day. The personnel in the office asked about Li Shaopong's situation and took notes. Li Shaopong's brother told them how three guards from the Taishanlu Police Station, headed by Chief Guo Min, verbally abused him, grabbed him by the collar and by the neck, and beat him up. The personnel in the office said they would give him a response in a week. He also went to the City Police Department to enquire about this. The City Police Department said that such matters were dealt with by the Fengman Branch Police Department. If his problem could not be solved there, Fengman Branch officers would have to sign first before the case was forwarded to the City Police Department.
It is important to mention that neither Li Shaopong's brother nor her sister-in-law practices Falun Dafa. The development of the case is being closely observed.
Li Shaopong and her mother-in-law remain in detention after more than three weeks.
Ms. Li Shaopong went to Beijing from Changchun City to validate Falun Dafa on July 20, 1999 (when the persecution of Falun Dafa began). Later, she was detained in a brainwashing center. The guards from the Taishanlu Police Station in the Fengman District of Jilin City often came to her home to harass her.
Sun Yanli, Li Shaopong's mother-in-law, was persecuted many times after July 20, 1999. She was abducted at the Beijing Railway Station when she went to Beijing to validate Falun Dafa and was detained for two weeks. Later, she was detained several times because of her resolve to continue practicing Falun Dafa. She was once abducted and taken to the brainwashing center in the Hua Leather Plant in Jilin City.
Phone number of the Taishanlu Police Station: (432) 4689758
Chief: Guo Min
Deputy Director: Ji Shulin
Guards: Cui Xiaolin, Jiang Guangshan, Li Zhiping