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Summary of Other Articles and News - December 24, 2004

January 07, 2005 |  


Facts of the persecution

Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners at the Harbin Institute of Technology

Mr. Han Li is 34 years old and has a Ph.D. degree in optical electronics from the School of Aeronautics, Harbin Institute of Technology. He was illegally arrested on November 23, 2000 by perpetrators from the Fengtai Police Department in Beijing because he printed truth clarification materials and went to Beijing to validate Falun Dafa. He was unlawfully held at the Fengtai Detention Center. On October 25, 2001, he was sentenced to 15 years in prison.

Han Songwei is a graduate student. He was in Qiqihar City on October 25, 2001 and planned to go to Beijing to appeal. He was illegally arrested by police officers from the No. 3 Criminal Police Division, the Jianhua District, Qiqihar City, who brutally tortured him. The Jianhua District Court in Qiqihar City later sentenced him to ten years in prison.

Mr. Wang Dayuan was 36 years old and a lecturer at the Department of Computer Science. He was tortured to death at the No. 1 Prison in Harbin City.

Lin Yanqing is a post-doctorate researcher. He was disabled from torture and then sentenced to three years of forced labor.

Shi Guangyuan is an undergraduate student and was sentenced to three years of forced labor.

Gu Dongfeng is an undergraduate student. He was sentenced to seven years in prison for clarifying the truth about Falun Gong.

Bi Bo entered the Harbin Institute of Technology in 1999. In July 2003 he was arrested while posting truth clarification flyers in Harbin City. He was sentenced to one year of forced labor.

Zhou Hua was an associate head of the Foreign Language Department. He did an outstanding job, but was sentenced to 33 months of forced labor for printing truth clarification materials.

Li Guoyou is a teacher at the College of Civil Engineering. He was illegally arrested and detained because he went to the Wanjia Forced Labor Camp to visit a fellow practitioner.


Ms. Yang Guangjin is 50 years old and lived in Houxiang Village, Cuihuangkou Town (the former Houxiang Township), Wuqing District in Tianjin City. She conducted herself according to Falun Gong's principles of Truth-Compassion-Forbearance. Because of her belief in Falun Gong, perpetrators from the government ransacked her home and detained her many times. On February 14, 2001, Yang Guangjin was sentenced to one year of forced labor and her term was later extended by one year. She was sent to Dagang Female Forced Labor Camp, where she was brutally tortured. She was forced to remain standing for long periods of time, sit on a cold bench, work for 15 to 16 hours daily and was often not allowed to sleep. Two years later, Yang Guangjin still persisted in her belief. On November 25, 2002, perpetrators from the Hougang Township government took Yang Guangjin and held her at a brainwashing class conducted by the township government. On January 10th, she was sentenced to one-and-a half years of forced labor, and she was sent back to the Dagang Female Forced Labor Camp. She was forced to pick and carry peas and sew shirts for the entire day, often working until midnight. Sometimes she was not allowed to sleep at night. Later the guards forced her to stand at night and sleep for one hour a day. The torture lasted until she was on the brink of a nervous breakdown.


In the past five years, Wei Tao, the division head of the 610 Office and section head Gao Jinfeng of the Datong Mining Bureau in Shanxi Province, directed and personally implemented the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners at the Datong Mining Bureau. Gao Jinfeng tortured many practitioners. He handcuffed the practitioners, and shackled them and stretched them in four different directions, causing excruciating pain. He sent the practitioners to detention centers after he tortured them. They also shocked the practitioners with electric batons. A practitioner in her 60s was shocked for over an hour while being beaten and kicked. She ended up with injuries all over her body. http://minghui.org/mh/articles/2004/12/24/92068.html

The perpetrators in Fucheng County, Hebei Province persecuted Falun Gong practitioners. On October 12, 2004, Wei Guoqing, head of Fucheng County National Security division, together with Li, the head of the county police department and five police officers, broke into the home of Falun Gong practitioner Yang Jinchi in Chengguan Town. They tried to abduct Yang Jinchi but failed, so they ransacked his home and took a camera, a tape recorder, a VCD player, Dafa audiocassettes, instruction tapes, truth clarification VCDs and other Dafa materials. Yang Jinchi was forced to leave home and go into exile.

On October 13, 2004, police officers from the Chengguan Town Police Station broke into the home of practitioner Tian Guirong in Sangzhuang Village. They abducted Tian Guirong and her daughter Sang Wenli and took them to the county detention center. They also took away Falun Gong books and materials. The police said someone with connections needed to bring 20,000 yuan in order for the practitioners to be released. On the evening of October 27, 2004, Xi Jiashui, head of Fucheng County security team, Lv Yunsong, deputy security team head, abducted practitioners Yang Shuru, Song Canying and Bai Anjie and sent these practitioners to the Fucheng County Detention Center. The perpetrators extorted 8,000 or 9,000 yuan from Bai Anjie's family, 7,000 yuan from Tian Guirong, 3,000 yuan from Yang Shuru, 2,700 yuan from Song Caiying, and 1,500 yuan from Sang Wenli, totaling 23,200 yuan. They have so far extorted over 100,000 yuan from Falun Gong practitioners within one year. http://www.minghui.org/mh/articles/2004/12/24/92066.html

Practitioner Mr. Zhou Xirong is 55 years old and an English teacher at Machang Middle School in Jianping County, Liaoning Province. His wife Li Guangzhen is 52 years old and a senior teacher at Machang Elementary School. Because they persisted in Dafa practice, they were sentenced to prison after October 2002 and severely tortured there. Li Guangzhen passed away in June 2004. Zhou Xirong is now paralyzed from torture. Their daughter Xu Aimei is 22 years old and living on her own.


Practitioner Mr. Wang Yequan is in his 60s. He is a retired doctor from the Chengguan Town Hospital in Hongan County, Hubei Province. On July 2, 2004, perpetrators from the 610 Office arrested him and ransacked his home for posting truth clarification flyers. He has been incarcerated at the Hongan County Detention Center ever since. The perpetrators took home electronics and other belongings from Wang Yequan's home. Since the persecution began on July 20, 1999, Wang Yequan's work unit has persecuted him for persisting in practicing Dafa. His pension was reduced from 1,000 Yuan to 110 yuan a month. In July 2004, when the local 610 Office escalated the persecution, his work unit cut off his pension completely.
