(Clearwisdom.net) At 11:00 a.m. on October 21, 2005, Falun Gong practitioners in Los Angeles gathered in front of the Chinese Consulate to read the Falun Dafa Association Announcement published on October 9, 2005 in both Chinese and English. (http://www.clearwisdom.net/emh/articles/2005/10/9/65726.html) Practitioners then delivered the announcement to the consulate.
Los Angeles practitioners read "Falun Dafa Association Announcement" in front of Chinese Consulate
The Falun Dafa Association pointed out in the announcement: "From today on, overseas Falun Gong practitioners will file civil or criminal lawsuits against all important government or CCP officials who participate in or continue to implement the persecution of Falun Gong and as a result, commit new crimes in addition to those they have already perpetrated against Falun Gong."
The announcement also stated, "The CCP regime is against heaven's will, and is about to collapse. It is now having difficulty sustaining the persecution. Heaven's final judgment of these evil criminals is imminent. However, one of the purposes of the sacred FA of Falun Gong is to save people, including people in all social statuses. Even for those who have committed wrongdoings, there is still an opportunity for them to abandon the evil path and choose to be good. For all those who have committed crimes against Falun Gong but want now to correct their mistakes, they can submit, under safe circumstances, a guarantee statement or regret letter to Minghui (Clearwisdom Net) or to any regional Falun Dafa Association to be archived. We will not investigate the various crimes of those who are determined to correct their mistakes. However we will continue to monitor their actions."
Practitioners in Los Angeles expressed that the brutal persecution of millions of innocent Falun Gong practitioners, and the suppression of the principle of "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" have exhausted astronomical amounts of money, manpower and material resources in China, have trampled upon the dignity of the law, harmed every Chinese citizen and also tested everyone's conscience. Helping to stop the persecution is the responsibility of everyone, government officials in particular. The practitioners hope that those CCP officials who have committed wrongdoings before will take the opportunity of the announcement being published to stop assisting those who are involved in the persecution, abandon the evil path and choose to be good. Falun Gong practitioners called for the consulate to transmit this announcement to officials inside China, and stop the persecution against Falun Gong practitioners overseas.

After the announcement was read, three representatives of Falun Gong practitioners delivered it to the counter of the consulate. The desk clerk refused to accept the letter, giving various excuses. Practitioners expressed that the delivery of letter is for their own benefit, and hoped that they would take the opportunity to learn about its contents or read the Falun Dafa Association Announcement on the internet. The practitioners left the letter on the counter before leaving. It was also reported that Falun Gong practitioners have faxed the announcement to Chinese consulates in different areas.