(Clearwisdom.net) On the 19th of December, Falun Gong practitioners in Denmark went to the Thai Embassy to submit an open letter in which they expressed deep concern and protest at the recent infringement of Falun Gong practitioners' human rights in Thailand. They called upon the Thai government to immediately release all unlawfully detained practitioners and ensure the safety and freedom of practitioners in Thailand.
Practitioners display banners outside the Thailand Embassy to Denmark
In the open letter, practitioners highlighted the tide of people's withdrawal from the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) since the publication of the Epoch Times' editorials, the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party. They urged the Thai leaders to be clear about the situation and not to bow to the doomed CCP. Besides the open letter, practitioners also included Falun Gong truth-clarifying materials and the English version of the "Nine Commentaries" as reference materials.
The Thailand Embassy to Denmark
To date, there are still 6 practitioners who are being detained by the Thai Immigration Bureau. These practitioners have gone on a hunger strike to protest the Thai Government's severe violation of their legal rights.
Among the detained practitioners, several were mentally and physically tortured in China by the CCP for their belief in Falun Dafa, and some have lost their loved ones. One of them was only a few years old when her mother was tortured to death in China by the CCP. They never thought that they could be arrested in a democratic country after they fled from communist China. However, for conducting peaceful appeals to protest the CCP's brutality and particularly the recent rape of two women practitioners by a Chinese policeman, they were harassed and arrested by the Thai government, who has apparently bowed to the CCP's unreasonable pressure. Very troubling is the fact that those practitioners are UN refugees with proper paperwork. The Thai government claimed that it would hold these practitioners in detention until another country will accept them. Calling itself a democratic country, it has actually followed the Chinese communist regime to arbitrarily violate innocent people's human rights. The public of a democratic country cannot accept such crimes.

When practitioners arrived at the Thai Embassy, the staff member who received
them seemed very nervous. Practitioners made a request to talk to the Ambassador
and gave the staff member a copy of the open letter and other material. This
staff member went upstairs. Tense discussion among several people from upstairs
could be heard. After quite a while, the staff member came down and said that a
consul will send the letter back to Thailand. At the practitioners' repeated
request and explanation, she reluctantly accepted the practitioners' letter to
the Ambassador and related material. The Ambassador or the Consul never made an
Meanwhile, several practitioners outside the Thai Embassy displayed banners
reading "Stop Persecuting Falun Gong", "Falun Gong is Good"
and "The World Needs Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance."
Source: http://clearharmony.net/articles/200512/30570.html