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Some Understandings I Came to While Clarifying The Truth

December 27, 2005 |   By a Dafa disciple from Jiamusi City in Mainland China

(Clearwisdom.net) Right now due to the rapid progress of the Fa rectification, there are fewer and fewer evil factors suppressing people. All sentient beings are waiting to be saved. As Dafa disciples during the Fa-rectification period, doing well the three things according to Master's requirement is our responsibility. We have to accept these responsibilities and accomplish them. Now let me share briefly some of the understandings I have come to during the truth clarification process.

My experience is that no matter what you do for Dafa-related projects, the first thing you must do is to study the Fa well. I go out to clarify the truth when my mind is in a pure and right state. We take truth-clarifying materials and DVDs in our bags and whoever we meet on the way such as vegetable vendors, people who ask directions, street cleaners, store clerks, people in hair salons, flower shops, photograph studios, rice stores, etc. At all stores that are open we go inside and clarify the truth. After we finish speaking, some people thank us again and again. Some people follow us outside and say, "I am a Communist Party member. Please don't forget to help me quit the CCP." Someone said, "We have to thank you for coming. Otherwise, we would not know anything." A store owner insisted that we eat something from his store after we clarified the truth. He gave us thumb up and said, "Great! Thank you and come back again next time." There was an elderly gentleman who heard my words and sat on the ground and cried.

Master said,

"I'm also telling you that all beings in today's world came for the sake of the Fa. If you want a being to clearly understand this point, you should go and clarify the truth to him. It is a master key, the key that can unlock that thing all beings have had sealed off for a long time and been awaiting for ages." ("Teaching the Fa at the 2003 Atlanta Fa Conference")

We feel stronger and stronger during truth-clarification. Sentient beings are eagerly waiting for Dafa to save them.

When clarifying the truth, don't lose patience. Sometimes when we just want to start with one person a few others arrive. At this moment we should send righteous thoughts, adjust our own state calmly and increase our righteous thoughts. "We must tell you the truth and rescue you." When our thoughts are strong and upright, any interference will soon be destroyed. Then, whatever we say will be accepted by the person easily.

Master said,

"Remember: Wherever a problem occurs, that's where you need to clarify the facts. (Applause) As for whether the result is good, don't look at the other party, it comes from your minds. If you want it to be good then it will be good. And if you don't intend to make it good, or if your mind is unsteady, then it won't be easy to rectify things. In other words, you need to have strong righteous thoughts. If you're thinking, 'I'm truly saving you. I'm truly telling you the facts,' then the result will be good." ("Explaining the Fa During the 2003 Lantern Festival at the U.S. West Fa Conference")

During the truth clarification process, we should gradually strengthen our righteous thoughts. Initially I started with my family members, friends, coworkers, classmates and neighbors, and so on. Now, I clarify the truth to everyone I meet. I don't let any opportunity go by, even those I bump into or meet by chance.

In addition, I saw some practitioners who wanted to clarify the truth but did not know how and could not make a breakthrough and hence became very worried. For these practitioners, we should take them to the group Fa studies and exchange experiences so we can help them find their barriers. Then those who can go out to clarify the truth should bring these practitioners along for some time. In fact, every Dafa disciple has this ability that Master gives us. Dafa has enlightened us with wisdom and provides us enormous capability. We just need to do it according to the Fa and use our mouths to validate the Fa and break through problems.

Let us encourage each other with Master's words,

"Right now every minute and every second is crucial. If you miss out during this period of time, you miss out on everything. History won't recur. The history of the cosmos and the Three Realms have gone through so many, long, long years--what have all the beings been waiting for? What are they all here for? For exactly these few years! Yet there are [Dafa] students who are squandering their lives during these few years, not seizing the time. And yet you are shouldering such huge responsibilities for all beings and for history!" ("Teaching the Fa at the 2003 Atlanta Fa Conference")